Cleaning up messy spreadsheets

This lesson is exclusive to members


Course info

24 lessons / 2 hours


Hi there, Welcome to this Microsoft Excel BootCamp. Together we’re going to learn how helpful Excel is in nearly every part of our professional lives.

This course is for beginners. You do not need any previous knowledge of Excel. We will stick closely to the powerful built in features of Excel and will not get bogged down in confusing code & complicated formulae.

This training course is project based. We start with a simple company branded invoice and explain how to calculate totals & tax. Using a complex and messy spreadsheet we will clean it up using Excels automatic features. With our new tidy data you’ll learn how easy pivot tables can turn long and hard to understand information into simple tables & beautiful graphs. Before you’re finished you’ll be making helpful drop down menus to help you fill out & sort your financial data. . You will learn how to turn uninspiring profit & loss statements into a good looking, easy to use documents. 

Class projects:

  • Create a quote & invoicing form.

  • Cleaning & formatting messy imported data.

  • Inventory spreadsheet.

  • Pivot tables

  • Regional Sales Report

  • Profit & loss spreadsheet.

  • GST & Tax calculations

  • Graphs for use in Word, PowerPoint, InDesign & Illustrator

  • Creating spreadsheets that work within Word documents.

Who should attend?

  • This course is designed for people who have little or no previous experience in Microsoft Excel. You will start right at the beginning and cover all the basics.

  • Only basic computing skills are necessary - if you can send emails and surf the internet then you’ve found the right training.

  • By the end of the course, you will be producing real world results with Excel.

What do you need?

  • No previous Microsoft Excel experience necessary.

  • You'll need Excel 2016 installed on your laptop. The standard installation of Excel 2016 or the Microsoft Office 365 version is fine.

Course duration 2 hours

Daniel Scott

Daniel Scott

Founder of Bring Your Own Laptop & Chief Instructor


I discovered the world of design as an art student when I stumbled upon a lab full of green & blue iMac G3’s. My initial curiosity around using the computer to create ‘art’ developed into a full-blown passion, eventually leading me to become a digital designer and founder of Bring Your Own Laptop.

Sharing and teaching are a huge part of who I am. As a certified Adobe instructor, I've had the honor of winning multiple Adobe teaching awards at their annual MAX conference. I see Bring Your Own Laptop as the supportive community I wished for when I was first starting out and intimidated by design. Through teaching, I hope to bring others along for the ride and empower my students to bring their stories, labors of love, and art into the world.
True to my Kiwi roots, I've lived in many places, and currently, I reside in Ireland with my wife and kids.

Downloads & Exercise files


So we've been given an Excel document, or some sort of export from some sort of database. It might be something online, it might be from some sort of internal system that you got in your business, but the data has been messy, and we need to clean it up before we can do anything really.

So we're going to look at the tactics for doing that. We're going to open up, in your 'Exercise Files'-- if you haven't got the exercise files, download them, there'll be a link on your screen. And let's open up 'Half marathon Entries'.

So we've got all the entrants for our half marathon. The times they got, it's a charity event, there's the prices, and times, and data stuff. But there's some messed up formatting. The quickest and easiest is that it’s kind of ordered that along the top instead of-- what would probably be nicer if it was ordered top to bottom.

So this is pretty easy, we're going to select all the cells. We're going to click on this one here, go all the way to the end, and hold 'Shift', and click the last one. Where is the last one? Just there. So these are all my cells. Then I can go to 'Copy'. And it selects the whole lot of them.

Then anywhere down here, or you can make a new sheet and just paste it on to this. Up to you, I'm not going to use another sheet. I'm just going to paste it underneath. And I'm going to go to 'Paste', and there's this little drop down underneath 'Paste', rather than the shortcut 'Control V', use this.

And there's one little option, you can kind of see a little arrow kind of flipping it across. And you can see, it's what's called ‘Transpose', and it's just flipped from left to right, top to bottom. And with this other stuff, I'm going to click 'cell 1'. 'Delete' all this.

One thing I should probably remind you is, don't overwrite, we've only got one copy of this original data. We might do a 'Save As' so that we're not wrecking the original. I'm okay with wrecking it because I've got lots of copies. So, I've selected all of this, and I'm going to right click any of the 'columns', and hit 'Delete'. Cool, so we got rid of those. Phase 1 complete.

Phase 2 is, there's no column heads, so we need some heading on the top that says 'Name', whether 'Paid' or not. So I'm going to right click anywhere where it says '1', in here. And say 'Insert'. And I've got a new row along the top here. I'm going to call this one 'Name'. I can tab along to the next one, or I can just click in the next cell. This is going to be 'Entry Fee'. This is 'email', and this one here is the 'Sponsorship'. This one here, the next one is the date they entered, so 'Entry Date'. And the last one was the time they ran, rather, 'Finishing Time'.

Great, so we've got our column headings. We need column headings for lots of reasons. We got to pull charts out of this, and lots of other things. So what we might do for this top one here, is we might select all of these. So just click in the first one, drag across. I'm going to make mine 'Bold'. And that's it for adding columns.

You might potentially need to add a column down the left hand side depending on your data. So you can do the exact same thing, and right click 'A' and go to 'Insert'. And you can have a list down here as well. And start adding titles. I'm going to hit 'Save'.

Last thing is, I might just drag these columns out here so I can see a little bit better, they're different areas. So I can see the email addresses, sponsorships. And we go there. 'Date of 'Entry', if you see these hashes here, just means that it's only showing part of the data. Generally doesn't do it for text, but will definitely do it for numbers, because missing a few zeros off a number could be very dangerous.

So what we're going to do is, do some formatting with the currency and the dates. We'll save that to the next video, let's go and do it.

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