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Lightroom Courses

Go from zero to hero or level up your existing skills with our self-paced, expert-led Lightroom courses

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Adobe Illustrator CC - Essentials Training
115 lessons / 12 hours
39 quiz questions 35 projects Certificate of achievement
Figma UI UX Design Essentials
114 lessons / 12 hours
29 quiz questions 22 projects Certificate of achievement
Adobe Photoshop CC - Essentials Training
93 lessons / 12 hours
20 projects Certificate of achievement
Adobe Premiere Pro CC - Essentials Training
142 lessons / 16 hours
34 quiz questions 10 projects Certificate of achievement
Adobe Lightroom - Essentials Training
91 lessons / 10 hours
35 quiz questions 21 projects Certificate of achievement
Adobe Photoshop CC - Advanced Training
107 lessons / 16 hours
21 projects Certificate of achievement
Webflow Essentials Training
114 lessons / 17 hours
35 quiz questions 10 projects Certificate of achievement
Figma Advanced Tutorial: Become a Figma Pro
177 lessons / 16 hours
46 quiz questions 21 projects Certificate of achievement

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Start Learning Lightroom Today

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Step into the world of photo editing with Lightroom, a powerful tool for editing, organizing, and storing photos. Whether you’re a professional photographer or just want to take your vacation photos up a notch, Lightroom can help you transform your images into beautiful, dynamic photographs.

In BYOL’s Lightroom Essentials course, you’ll learn everything you need to know to start editing your images and will also pick up some general photography tips as well. You will learn to color grade like a professional, best practices for white balance, temperature correction, color correction, and masking. By the end of the course, you will be able to remove unwanted elements from a photo, soften and smooth skin texture, highlight eyes and whiten teeth, and reduce noise and graininess from photos. Dive into the world of Lightroom with BYOL and you’ll be well on your way to making your photos pop!

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graphic design

Earn badges and certificates to celebrate your Lightroom achievements

Celebrate and share the milestones in your learning journey with our badges and certificates of achievement.

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Tips, hacks and how-to's and more from the BYOL blog

student spotlight with a photoshop class project by student pedro almeida

BYOL Student Spotlight: Pedro Almeida

How BYOL Helped Pedro Rekindle His Love for Creative Design and Transform His Career

Daniel Scott Daniel Scott

BYOL Student Spotlight: Tornike Beroshvili

Breaking into the field of UX Design

Daniel Scott Daniel Scott
student Kotryna Siugzdinyte with a background of a design she has made as a BYOL student

BYOL Student Spotlight: Kotryna Siugzdinyte

From Cello Strings to Design Dreams: The Journey of BYOL Student Kotryna Siugzdinyte

Daniel Scott Daniel Scott

Become a BYOL student

Explore 30+ Essentials and Advanced courses in Figma, Photoshop, Illustrator, Lightroom, Premiere Pro, Webflow, and more. Enjoy self paced learning, personalized support, earn certificates, and exciting community challenges.

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Frequently asked questions

We've answered some common questions below but we're always here to help!

Lightroom supports most native camera raw file formats in addition to PNG, DNG, TIFF, and JPEG formats.
Lightroom Classic is the older version of Lightroom. BYOL’s course is focused on Lightroom CC desktop but many of the techniques you will learn will work with both versions of Lightroom software. 

Lightroom and Photoshop are both editing tools and can be used together. Start in Lightroom to organize and categorize your files. Once your photos are organized, you can begin the editing process - color correction, masking, and any other enhancements you may wish to add to your photos. Photoshop is best for further manipulation of images, for example, editing different layers, merging multiple photos, and more complex adjustments. 
All memberships unlock unlimited access to 30+ beginner and advanced courses. Study at your own pace and take as many courses as you like! You’ll also have access to personalised support, student community and regular design challenges.
We have some free lessons in each course for you to watch and get a feel for the course content and teaching style! Just look out for the ‘FREE’ label next to the lesson titles in the contents list for each course.
Our courses are only available by becoming a member and aren’t available individually.
We recommend taking the Essentials courses before moving onto Advanced (E.g. taking Illustrator Essentials before taking Illustrator Advanced) especially if you’re new to the app or software. If you’re self taught or have used the software for a long time we still recommend watching the Essentials course as many of our students are surprised at how many new things they learn here!
Membership at Bring Your Own Laptop comes with priority support for your learning journey. Send your questions to us using the ‘Ask the experts’ tile on your student dashboard or use the ‘contact us’ link at the bottom of all our pages.
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