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Hi, my name is Dan, and in this course what we'll do is we'll create a video, then we will go and build a website, and add a video as the background. It looks really fancy, but it's pretty easy to do. I built this course for beginners. There is no need to know how to code, or work with video before. I'll start right at the super basics. And this could totally be your very first ever website; it will make a pretty awesome first website.

We'll go through the full process. I'll show you how to find some video. We'll go through 'How to Edit' in Premier Pro. We'll do cool video effects like blurs, and tints, and transitions. I'll show you how to export the videos, so you can get the file size super small. Once we've created our video, we'll go through and build the basic website together, and make our video all cool in full screen.

We'll also create our second option with the video peeks through a little specific box like this. I'm also happy to help, I'm pretty handy with replying to the comments that are on the different pages, so reach out, I'll give you a hand, and there's also a cheat sheet you can print off to keep yourself going. And if you're a teacher, there's a few teacher resources available as well. The best thing about it is that it's actually not that hard. But the end result is pretty impressive.   

So how about it? Me, you, and a few videos, and we'll go make some internet magic together.

But I think I say cool, and awesome about a hundred times in this intro. I guess it's a new record.