Dreamweaver Templates & Javascript Menus

What we'll be building & resources for this course.

Daniel Walter Scott || VIDEO: 2 of 38

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Hi, so what are we going to be making in this course and what are the resources? We're going to be taking a design that we've made in a previous completely different class. It was for Web & UI Design using Illustrator. You don't have to have done that course, it's quite handy if you do want to do the Design process as well as the Build. So you can go do that. But we’ll be taking that design and turning it into a fully Responsive Website using Dreamweaver.

We're going to be using Live view a lot in this course. In our previous tutorial, I've used Code view. And that's fine, using Code view, but we're going to use the more live, tactile, whizzy whiz version of Dreamweaver. And I guess that's what makes Dreamweaver quite unique from other Code Editors. It's kind of drag, and drop, and click, and play type stuff. So we're going to focus on that in this course, a little bit of Code.

The other thing is, there's exercise files, and resources, that type of things. So there's exercise files you can download. There'll be a link on the screen that makes a little pop noise here. Go download those, and you can play along. There's also something called completed files. So at the end of every single video, I save the website to where I'm up to. Just so that, if you're getting lost, or can't work it out, you can download my version, and just check the code, and just see where you might have gone wrong.

Also, for this video we're going to talk about reviews and comments, there'll be a comments section on every page. So if you are having problems, and it's just not working for you drop me an email, or better yet, there's the on-page comments, so do that. Also, if you get to a point in this course where you're like "This is pretty good," leave me a review. Those sorts of reviews are the things that really help my courses do well and helps me be a full time, online trainer type person. So yes, you like the course, leave a review.

I think that's it, yes, that's it. Let's go off and start the course proper.