Hi there, everyone, this video is going to show you how to export graphics from a bunch of Adobe software products. We're going to look at Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, and Adobe XD. Now I know not everyone's going to have this software, but it is really common in, as a Web Designer, to have access to these, you don't have to, they are paid products. There are free trials for them. There's going to be probably times where you're going to have to encounter these software, or at least to grab the graphics out of them. I'm going to show you how to do all of that in this video.
So this is going to be just a quick run-through. I just want to give you some basic skills, as a Web Designer you're going to need to know, often, say you are working with a more kind of Graphic Designer, that's doing the kind of layout or design of it, and you're actually just doing the coding. Often they'll just hand you over a Photoshop document, and say, "Here you go, do that," or an XD document, and say, "Fix that through Illustrator", or you might be doing the whole thing like me. I like doing the kind of design part as well as the coding. So we're going to run through the programs that I use. It's not going to be all of them, but they are really common for the industry.
So let's start with XD. So Adobe XD is kind of like UX design program. It's kind of new, it's gaining popularity. It's kind of a really big competitor to Sketch. So exporting from this is real easy. Click on the graphic that you've designed in XD, and you hit 'Command E' on a Mac, or 'Ctrl E' on a PC, or 'File', 'Export, and we're going to use 'Export Selected'. Just make sure it's selected, and it should come out. In this case we're going to give it a name. I'm going to call this one 'Bike Man'. So use underscores or hyphens. You can't use spaces, it's bad practice to use spaces, because some older browsers don't like it. And then I was going to put mine straight onto the desktop just to show you. And down here, you can decide on your format, easy peasy, PDFs aren't going to work for our website. So we want PNG, SVG, or JPEG, and in this case, because of this one, we've already talked about it, which one do we want? Yes, JPEG.
Then there's the quality. For a website, never, a 100%. So this is like a suggestion. Between 40 and 80, it really depends on the graphic. This one's a stock image, it's really nice, can't move that other way, but you remember it. It is really good so can go quite low. If you've got some footage from the clients, and it's shot on a cell phone, often the quality can't go down as low. Basically what it means is the file size is going to get smaller, and that's what you want. We've talked about Page Load Speed being an important part of ranking in Google. So in my case, like-- because this is quite a lead image I'd probably go 80%, and for these guys down here, that are just kind of like supportive graphics behind, I'd probably go down to, between 40 or 60. You can just type it in, you might go, "Actually, just make it 70."
Now we're not going to cover like 2x and 3x at the moment. We're going to look at responsive images a little bit later in the course, but for the moment this is how I get my JPEG. Here we go. We'll do a couple more from XD, then we'll move on to another program, here we go. And I'll fill in on my desktop now, I have got, JPEG, just hanging out doing nothing. He's 36 Kilobytes, it's good quality-ish, and yeah, that's how to get JPEGs out. This one here, now what should this be? JPEG, PNG, or an SVG? SVG, right? So right click it. You can right click them sometimes, it depends.
This one's been marked for export so we're going to use a shortcut. 'Command E', going to use the long way. And this one here is going to work really good as an SVG. Leave all the defaults, let's click 'Export', and hopefully on my desktop, I have an SVG. There we go. Hello, SVG. They don't preview very well, but just like this-- this one, I forgot to change the name of it. I can do it afterwards, I can get iPhones into it. That will do now. Just remember to do it.
Now there probably is no reason to actually export a PNG in this case, but you know how to do it, right? It's in that same little drop-down, and there's no real adjustments for PNGs, just like, here you go, and export it. These ones here are for weird sizings, when we get to doing kind of, like mobile apps, when we explore the Android iOS, we don't need it for the moment. It's the basics for XD. Now there's a lot more to it, like if you do my full XD course, there's like a whole chapter on it, we're not going to do that all here. It's giving you the kind of get-by stuff. Let's look at using Photoshop. Really common to use Photoshop, even though it's like a photo editing program, it's really common to use this in Web Design still. So I want to export this thing as-- do we want the full background? That would be perfect as a JPEG, because I want transparency it's going to be a PNG.
The reason this is not an SVG is because it's not really simple graphics, there's too much going on in here. To export from Photoshop there's a couple of ways. The best way is 'File Export', and this, like insignificant name here, it's called Export As, it's brilliant. If you're using Save for Web, it's fine, it's just not as good as this. Some people out there might be fighting me on that but this is the new thing. In my experience it's the better thing.
So the cool thing about it is, you don't need to resize it before you come in here. A lot of people will go, "All right, I've got this big image, now I need to go 'Image', 'Image Size', make it smaller," then they export it, and then they undo the image size, so it gets big again, whereas Export As means you can do it all in one big go. Format up here, JPEG, GIF, SVG. We're going to-- so this is all you really need, right? I'll show you a couple of other little perks. You might say, "Okay, it needs to be a PNG, but I need it to be 500 pixels wide", and you can kind of do that at this stage, which is quite nice, but let's say you need a smaller version as well for some things.
So you can hit the little '+' there, so you can have one that is half the size, so 0.5, or maybe one that's twice the size. This is more kind of responsive design, you can add different versions of the graphic. Different kind of versions, yeah, different sizes of it. Anything else? No. I click 'Export'. I'm going to stick mine onto my Desktop. I'm going to have a bunch of SVGs at the right size. Now we don't really need to cover it but let's do it real quickly. Export as JPEG, it's just there, and the Quality Slider is just along the top here, and you're like, like we said before, same rules apply, in this case, because it has a full background now, you see the transparency disappeared because it's a JPEG. Let's say that's okay, that's what we need. I'm going to go 60%, and the close is going to be just fine, because it's a good image, it was modeled in Adobe Dimension, which is a cool little 3D program they've got. And I'm just going to have one size. Thank you very much. And hit 'Export'.
Now SVG will work, kind of. This one here is not really in--- it's not a vector graphic. It means be something drawn with vector, now in Illust-- sorry, in Photoshop, it will need to be something drawn with these tools. You've got a bunch of these. These are all vector shapes, and you can see, they're just really simple. These are export, great as an SVG, this is not. Now there's lots more you can do for Photoshop for Web Design. I've got a full course on that as well, if you want to look for my Photoshop for Web Design course, but the one last thing I want to show you, is you can actually just find 'Layer', right click it, and say, 'Export As', or use the 'Quick Export'.
Yours is probably going to say Quick Export for PNG. That's fine, I changed mine on my preferences too, because I export mainly as a JPEG, but you can go to here, and you just export that one layer. Just another way to get to it. There's lots of other cool things I want to show you, but again it's like a whole another chapter in that larger course. Let's look at the last one of our little gang, it's going to be Adobe Illustrator.
So this little logo here, I want to export this, I just want this graphic here. Now in Illustrator there's this cool panel called Window, and it's under Asset, Export. This little panel opens up. There he is there, he's already in there for some reason. So looks like this, and all you need to do is, group the thing you want to kind of stick together. If it's not grouped it ends up doing weird stuff, so this is a group. I just drag it in here, and there he is. If it's ungrouped I'll show you what happens, in case you do it. So here, because there's all little pieces, if I grab it all and drag it in, can you see, it will be a zillion, like little graphics getting exported. So let's undo that.
So I can drag this in, let's say I've done a full website design in Illustrator, it's totally perfect for doing it. You should group those, Dan, group them. So I've grouped a couple of bits, thrown them all in here, then as a big group, which is cool, I can say, actually I would like them all to be PNGs or SVGs, and I'm going to export them, and stick them on to my Desktop. It's getting a bit messy there, it's going to export it.
Now what's really cool about this-- where's my SVGs? There they are. I'll show you, like to put them in a nice little group. There's one, actually that was a good point. Can you see, this one's got a blue line around it. So it only exported that one, that will catch you out. So select both of them, click one, hold 'Shift', click the next one, or I think if you have nothing selected, no, you got to stick them all, cool. I hold 'Shift' on my keyboard, click them both. Hit 'Export', and we should get both of them now. Replace it, there it is on my desktop. Cool. I said two, I said three.
The other cool thing you can do in here, what's nice about this Asset Panel, is watch this. If I change this to another color, instead of having the gradient I just pick another color, can you see, it updated in here, I don't need to drag it in and do it. I can give it a name in here as well, so I can call it 'Rocket', and I can hit 'Export' again, and it, just saves me time, I don't have to drag it back in and identify it again. It just updates instantly, and I can just click 'Export', and there's my rocket.
Same things if you need PNGs or JPEGs, it's up to you. So three bits of software, they're all Adobe. It's really common to use Adobe products. The only other one that gets used quite commonly is something called Sketch, I don't have a course on Sketch yet, but if you-- Illustrator, I've got kind of like generic Illustrator courses, like Essentials and Advanced, but I've got a really specific one for Web Design, that might be useful for you, it's called Illustrator for Web Design. I think it's called Illustrator for UI and Web Design. Same for Photoshop, there's generic classes, there's a Photoshop Essentials and Advanced, but there's one specifically for Web Design.
In XD I've got a-- XD's only used for Web Design, so there's only one course on that, nice big one, but I hope there was enough in this video, to kind of show you how to get them, at least the basics out of those bits of software. It wasn't too much of a cross-sell, trying to sell my other courses. You don't have to do them, because often you just, instead of doing a lot of the design you might be just doing the coding and the creation.
All right, buddies, I will see you in the next video.