Hey everyone, in this video we are going to rig up this prototype, so the buttons go to places, not just clicking the frame, plus we'll look at the different animation techniques, in between the frames. Actually, I'll show you, bye now, there's a cool pushy thing, this one does a slide-y thing, so I'm going to show you those. I'll also show you, remember that problem we had on this last frame, the big giant black boxes, that came back, and we fix it right at the beginning here. So I'll leave that in there, so we can all learn, we'll learn about Easing as well, it's a teeny bit of a long one, but we cover a lot. All right, let's jump in.
All right, to change the animations we're going to do a couple of things, we are going to-- make sure on Prototype here, in the top right, and we're going to delete these. If you haven't already, click on the names at the top, and delete these transitions, oh, where did he come from? Ha ha. Do you remember, in an early video you were like, I was like, what were those big black boxes, I've turned Figma off, open it back up, and I totally figured out what those big squares were. There's something in here, yeah, that's what they were, big giant letters, Facebook, and there we go, oh well, problem solved.
I think I was demo-ing it with you guys, showing you how to drag it in, and they all ended up there, but they disappeared, and now they're back, oh, we fixed that problem, let's look at the animation. So we've deleted the connections between them all, and let's do it for actual specific buttons, rather than the whole entire frame. So what we can do is, we're going to say, the Buy Now gets its own little dot, every little unit has a dot, so you can make everything clickable. So I want this Buy Now button to go to, it's going to skip our Product Details, and go all the way over to this one, can you see, I'm just dragging it around, and you can connect it up. I want to go to straight Checkout, that's for the keen buyers to go straight there, no fuss, no mess.
Now the animation is this, it is instant at the moment, just moves across, let's look at Dissolve, and let's just go and test it. Remember, you don't have to reload this, but you might, if you've closed it, just go to this little Play button, and go to present, it will open it up. All right, so a little button, going to click it, look at that, Dissolve, very exciting. Remember, R is the refresh button, and you can practice through it. So we won't cover every single one, because some of them are pretty self-explanatory. We're going to, Instant is easy, Dissolve, as you just saw, Smart Animate, we'll leave for this video, because it's a little bit more complicated for later in the course.
It is amazing, but we're going to do it later on, you need to set it up a bit more. Let's play with, Move In, let's have a look, 'R' for reset, Move In, can you see, it slides in from the side, that's pretty cool. That gets really nice when you're doing kind of like mobile navigation, you want to kind of like Move In from the side, or maybe images flying across. Instead of testing every single one what you can do is, like, Move Out, and can you see down the bottom here, you hover above it, it kind of gives you a visual cue, of what it's going to do, so Push, can you see, instead of moving, which is one-- kind of sliding in on top, Push will push one out, to move one in.
So this is kind of an easy way to-- slide's really good when we do get to those mobile apps, where it just kind of like pushes it to the side, not all the way in. I'm going to stick to Move In, and can you see here, the directions, you can decide whether you want it, from the left, or come in from the right, down from the bottom, down from the top, and up from the bottom. So those are all pretty easy, let's look at, one of the other interesting things is Easing.
So Easing is on by default, and it just means that, Ease Out means it's going to start fast, and go slow on the out, it's going to ease out that little curve there. I'll exaggerate it here, so this is another term we need to learn, ms, which is milliseconds, 300 milliseconds is, there's a thousand milliseconds in a second, so that is one second, so 300 is, I don't know, a small part of it, third-ish. I'm going to turn it up to a second, just so that I can preview it, and have a look.
So let's go over here, 'R' for refresh, bye now, can you see, nice and slow, but it starts fast and then gets nice and slow at the end, so that's Ease Out. What's very often nice is, both Ease In and Out, you can ease it in, so it goes slow at the beginning, watch the little, can you see, this actually shows it even better in this little icon here. So it starts slow, slow, slow, slows out and gets faster, it just always looks good with that Ease In and Ease Out. So I'm going to crank it right up to exaggerate it, to 200 milliseconds, oh, I can do that, that's one-fifth of a second.
All right, so let's preview it, let's have a look, for a reset, bye now, that is too fast, so let's try three, try 400, reset, click it. Still probably a little fast, but you get the idea, right? It's, Easing is to play with the animation, Ease In and Out, it's pretty cool, it's kind of like a bounce, so let's have a little look. It's probably still going a bit faster, look, yeah, too fast, but cool, let's make it go to, Push In, yeah, that's it, Push In, I'm going to ease it in and out, and I'm going to turn it to 600.
There's a lot of playing with this, it depends on how long it is, and what kind of easing you're doing, what kind of direction it has to move, kind of how far it has to move. So half a reset, so that kind of 'e', what was it called? Ease In and Out is that kind of bounce option. Before we go we're going to kind of rig it up a little bit, you do this on your example as well. I'm not going to do it as a class exercise, because I can't really check it, so what I'm going to do is-- just follow me, we want to go from Learn More, you could do it from the text, it's better to do it from the button, you could group it and do it from both.
So I'm just going to do it from the button around the outside, and I'm going to say, Learn More is-- going to our Product Details, so you can learn more about it, and we're going to do the text over here. So when you often click a heading on a website, it'll go back to the Home page, this is my Home page. So what I'm going to do is, I'm going to say, you go to this one, this, go to this one. Now what animation is it using? It's going to use whatever the last thing you used, so I'm using a lot of pushes, so if you don't like Push, we're going to have to go and change them all. So pick it first, before you start clicking on them, so it'll just remember the last one. So I'm sticking to Push.
The other thing to note about animation, and just the interactions in general, in prototyping, if I copy this and delete this one, click on there, hit 'Paste', can you see, it brought along with it. So as long as you're in Prototype mode, you can copy and paste to different ones. So it means you can rig up the entire navigation on one of them, and just copy and paste it along.
So let's say it's this one here, I want it to go to the Home page, no, I make this go to the Home page, I don't have a Share and Account button yet, or even a Mobile Nav yet, but I could just copy them all, and paste them on, and everything, just to save some time. So by now you end up with a spaghetti, it gets more and more spaghetti-ish, depending on how detailed you want your kind of prototype to be.
What I want to do is, make sure that this Purchase button, goes to here, boop, and my Home button's going, Home button's going. You don't have to drag it, after a while, like it's really easy, with only four of them, because you can just kind of like zoom out, and just quickly drag this one, get it over here, it's do-able. After a while it's not, you saw that, like Microsoft Materials one, uh no, Microsoft Teams one, there's no chance of rigging that up with dragging and dropping.
So what you can do is, you can click on these, actually, don't click on them, you select it in Prototype mode, click in directions, hit '+', and it's going to say Tap. What happens, when you tap this one, it's going to go to Navigate to the Home page. So you can do it that way, and play around with your Dissolve. So instead of dragging it, you can just kind of like, select it, add this in direction, and do it this way. I'm going to Dissolve back, fancy. I think that's it, that's it, that's it, that's it, hang on, let me think, I'll pause it, hang on.
It's hard to get it right anyway when you're in the desktop view, in our upcoming video we will test it on our actual phone, then you'll know instantly, you'll be like, "I'm stuck, and I can't get back," so you can update your prototype, oh, updating them, we didn't do that. So if I want to update this one from, you know, Push, you can click on this line, and it will pop that out, otherwise, click on it, and then you can click on Home page, and it just pops that thing back out again. To delete one you can drag it off back into itself, so it disappears, or you can click on the line, like we did before, and delete it.
All right, we're starting to get prototype-y. Let's have a look at our prototype, what can we do, let's go back to Home, and did you notice that if I click on somewhere that doesn't work, these little blue dots appear. It's just to help people that are testing, even yourself, what to actually click, because we are doing, let's say a task flow, and it's very simple, there's only four slides in it, I only want to test that, I don't want people going--
I'd probably remove that plus button for my test, just because it's going to confuse the test itself, but maybe it goes to the Product details page, but if you click anywhere it should highlight the one, so Buy now, Purchase, hey, Congratulations. The Push and the Bounce is a bit weird, but you get the idea.
All right, that is animation, what you probably are thinking, you're thinking is, I'm not sure I can use Figma, because it doesn't have the best, most amazing animation transition in the world, let's have a look. It doesn't have Dissolve, where's my Page Peel and my Barn Doors? I know, they're actually illegal in most countries now, because they're so terrible. So for your viewing pleasure, editor, can we wrap up with a Page Peel.