Adding Images



Course info

34 lessons / 3 hours


Dreamweaver (and web design in general) is such a hard program to teach yourself. We know, because as Dreamweaver trainers we have all taught ourselves. We wish we had a resource like this when we were learning.

Hand coding a website from scratch is now a thing of the past. Web designers use tools like Dreamweaver to a lot of the heavy lifting. We imagine this is your first website build and we're glad we're here to help make this process a little less troublesome. 

Who should use this?

Anyone that is brand new to Dreamweaver and anyone brand new to web design in general. If you're reasonably experienced in web design you might find this course a little slow going.

What do you need?

  • You'll need a laptop (Mac or PC)
  • Dreamweaver CC installed. Dreamweaver can be downloaded from theAdobe website here.

Can I use this tutorial with Adobe Dreamweaver CS4, CS5 or CS6?

No. Unfortunately there were some fundamental changes in the Dreamweaver CC update that makes CC and previous versions very different.

Remember you can download Dreamweaver CC free for 30 days. Don't worry - after your free trial has expired your files will still be updatable using any other web design program.

If you like the tutorials we'd love you to like, share and tweet it. We'd be very grateful.

Daniel Scott

Daniel Scott

Founder of Bring Your Own Laptop & Chief Instructor


I discovered the world of design as an art student when I stumbled upon a lab full of green & blue iMac G3’s. My initial curiosity around using the computer to create ‘art’ developed into a full-blown passion, eventually leading me to become a digital designer and founder of Bring Your Own Laptop.

Sharing and teaching are a huge part of who I am. As a certified Adobe instructor, I've had the honor of winning multiple Adobe teaching awards at their annual MAX conference. I see Bring Your Own Laptop as the supportive community I wished for when I was first starting out and intimidated by design. Through teaching, I hope to bring others along for the ride and empower my students to bring their stories, labors of love, and art into the world.
True to my Kiwi roots, I've lived in many places, and currently, I reside in Ireland with my wife and kids.

Downloads & Exercise files


Dreamweaver tutorial 07: How to add images JPG, PNG, GIF to a website.

Hi, Welcome, My name is Daniel Walter Scott. I am a trainer here at Bring Your Own Laptop. This course is designed for people who are new to Dreamweaver and Web Design. The topic we are covering today is: Inserting images to a website 
When you create images you need a software package like Photoshop or Fireworks or Gimp for example. In this tutorial we are going to look at inserting them once we have created them. 
We are going to use files that are already created for this tutorial. What you should do now if you have not already done so, is go and download the exercise files. Once you have downloaded them you will be able to insert some of the images that go with this tutorial.

How to insert an image

So I want to insert an image above the word ‘vintage campers’ here. So I’m going to put a return here and have my cursor just above where it says ‘vintage campers’. Then I’m going to go to ‘insert’ –‘image’-‘image’. So I’ve got my images that I’ve downloaded on my desktop under ‘sample images’. So I’m looking for the image called ‘vintage 1’. So I’m going to bring in this jpeg. Go to ‘open’ and it has brought it straight in. In older versions, CS5 or CS6, they used to have it saved in ‘alt text’. In CC its moved down here.

What is image ALT text?

You have to remember that every time you move an image that you put in ‘alt text’. This means ‘alternative text’. It is used for people who are visually imapired. You describe things because they can’t see the text. They have programs that run online and through their computers that describe websites to them. You have to make sure that you have good clear key words. We are going to write in ‘vintage camper logo’. So you need to do 2 things. You need to describe it right and make sure to use good key words. This is because Google uses ‘Alt text’ to decide what the image is about too. So you could write in something like ‘blue gradient logo’ but this won’t help our strategy for our website. We want to rank well for ‘vintage campers’, not for ‘blue gradient logo’. We want to use descriptive words that help us to get good key words in to our website.

Adding ALT text to an existing website

Make sure that you have alt text on all of your images. If you have a website that is already existing, you can type in the alt text afterwards. Go in to ‘Dreamweaver’, click on the image and then in ‘alt text’ adjust it to be more key word rich. 
I’m going to put in another image. So I’m going to put a return in just after it here, then I’m going to go to ‘insert’ again, then ‘image’ and then ‘image’ again. Go to my desk top to my Dreamweaver exercise files then ‘sample images’ and ‘vintage 2’. Then I’m going to write in my alt text. It’s going to be ‘VW combi van’. 
Then just above the word ‘copyright’, I’m going to click ‘return’. Then go to ‘insert’-‘image’-‘image’ then go to my desktop, ‘sample images’ and the last image I want you to insert is ‘vintage 3 footer’. In alt text im going to write ‘The CamperVan Association’.


What you don’t want to do is label your alt text all the same. Your key words need to relate to your website. Google uses these words to rank your website.

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