How to Export data visualization for Microsoft PowerPoint

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Camera – 1 Node 9:36
Preview & Playback 6:45


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Course info

52 lessons / 7 hours 1 projects Certificate of achievement


Hi there, my name is  Dan. I’m a Adobe Certified Instructor and I LOVE animating infographics & bringing potentially boring data to life using After Effects.

This course is for beginners. You don’t need any previous knowledge in AFX or any motion graphic experience. We’ll start with the super basics, taking simple icons breathing life into to them with After Effects.

We’ll work through a real life projects, connecting Excel into After Effects to transform your boring spreadsheet data into approachable visual information. We’ll experiment with lighting & cameras. We’ll do some fun things with masking, looking at how important sound is in your presentation, all the way through to exporting for Youtube, Powerpoint and all sorts of social media including animated GIFS.  

There are projects for you to complete, so you can practice your skills and use these for your portfolio. There is a cheat sheet and I’ve got exercise files so you can play along. I will also save my files as I go through each video so that you can compare yours to mine - handy if something goes wrong.

Know that I will be around to help - if you get lost you can drop a post on the video 'Questions and Answers' below each video and I'll be sure to get back to you.

What are you waiting for? Lets get making!

What are the requirements?

  • You will need a copy of Adobe After Effects, Illustrator & Photoshop CC 2017 or above. 90% of the course will be done in After Effects but a few things are better done in Illustrator & Photoshop. A free trial can be downloaded from Adobe.

  • No previous motion graphic skills are needed.

  • No previous After Effects, Illustrator or Photoshop skills are needed.

What am I going to get from this course?

  • 48 lectures 5+ hours of well structured content.

  • You'll learn to take Excel spread sheets and animate this in After Effects.

  • You’ll learn how to make animated pie charts, line charts & bar graphs.

  • You’ll learn how to create percentage counters.

  • You’ll learn how to animate icons making beautiful infographics.

  • You’ll learn how to create 'voice over' infographics.

  • You’ll learn all the animation techniques needed to bring your data to life.

  • You will have the finished files so you never fall behind.

  • Downloadable exercise files & cheat sheet.

  • Forum support from me and the rest of the BYOL crew.

  • Techniques used by professional motion graphic designers.

  • A wealth of other resources and websites to help your new career path.

What is the target audience?

  • No previous After Effects experience is necessary.

  • This course is for people completely new to After Effects. No previous animation or motion graphic design experienced is necessary.

  • This is a relaxed, well paced introduction that will enable you to produce impressive video for your business or organization. Only basic computing skills are necessary - If you can send emails and surf the internet then you will cope well with our course.

  • There is a 100% refund if you don’t find this course useful. Just message me, no questions asked, I’ll refund your payment in full.

Course duration 5.5 hours + your study.

Daniel Scott

Daniel Scott

Founder of Bring Your Own Laptop & Chief Instructor


I discovered the world of design as an art student when I stumbled upon a lab full of green & blue iMac G3’s. My initial curiosity around using the computer to create ‘art’ developed into a full-blown passion, eventually leading me to become a digital designer and founder of Bring Your Own Laptop.

Sharing and teaching are a huge part of who I am. As a certified Adobe instructor, I've had the honor of winning multiple Adobe teaching awards at their annual MAX conference. I see Bring Your Own Laptop as the supportive community I wished for when I was first starting out and intimidated by design. Through teaching, I hope to bring others along for the ride and empower my students to bring their stories, labors of love, and art into the world.
True to my Kiwi roots, I've lived in many places, and currently, I reside in Ireland with my wife and kids.


We’re awarding certificates for this course!

Check out the How to earn your certificate video for instructions on how to earn yours and click the available certificate levels below for more information.

Downloads & Exercise files

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Hi there, in this video we're going to put our Line Chart into PowerPoint and when we go to the next slide, prepare yourself… All right, auto plays, cool. Kind of blends in with the background, and looks all nice. All right, let's go and do that now.

So we're going to export our little Infographic here. And get it out to PowerPoint. There's not much we need to do. So we're going to go to 'Composition', add to 'Adobe Media Encoder'. And probably the biggest thing for PowerPoint - I'm going to jump to the Media Encoder. - is the file size, I've got this one here, I'm going to bin that. Not sure where he came from. But this is my Export. It's the actual physical size, you do not need it to be full HD because often it's going to be re-sized inside of PowerPoint. And the problem with using a really big high quality file is that if you add one, or two, or three of them, the PowerPoint file gets really big, and doesn't play back really well. Poor person that's presenting might not be using a super laptop, and things just can go awry.

So my advice is, H.264 Click where it says 'Match Source'. We do our little trick, where we go to 'Video', and down to 'Encoding'. So we're going to make it nice and small. '2x5', it's my one. I'm going to leave the video at '1'. And this physical size here, doesn't need to be as big as it is. I'm going to make it 'Standard' definition. Regular old TV, which is '720' pixels high. I'm going to give it a name, instead of calling it Line Chart 2. I'm going to put in the same folder we did, under 'Exporting'. It's going to go into that same 'ame' file. I'm going to call this one 'Line Chart - PowerPoint'. Let's click 'Save' let's click 'OK'. Let's click 'Go and do it'.

One thing, while it's doing it we're going to jump, and be super efficient. And keep working while it's going. I'm going to export what's called a Poster Image. Because at the moment, the beginning of my video is blank. And that's what's going to appear in PowerPoint. It's going to just look like nothing. So what we want to do, is a Poster Image, so get your Timeline along until you get a nice good view of everything. Go to 'Composition', there's one that says 'Save Frame As'. It's not going to export the whole movie, it's just going to export just this one Frame. And we're going to go to 'File'. It ends up down the bottom here. Yours might look a little different. Trying to get rid of that one. Yours look like this.

Where is it going to go? Just click 'Render'. Makes a happy little noise. I'm going to close down that Render queue. Go back to my 'Comp', and let's go check out the files that are created. So two of them, that's my Poster Image, I'm going to rename this one, and call it 'Line Chart Poster Image'. And there's one in here called Export Line Graph. And there's my PowerPoint version. It's very small, I've got it down to 0.7MB. Even down from the other one we did, it's because we changed the physical size of it. So let's go and look at how to put it in PowerPoint. I've got PowerPoint on a Mac, it's almost exactly the same on a PC. There's just a few little buttons less on a Mac. You got more control on a PC.

So what we're going to do is go to 'New', use 'New from Template'. Why? I don't know why. I'm going to find one that I like. Do I like it? I'm going to use this one, 'Facet'. So couple of things, I'm going to insert-- I'm going to undo that. I'm going to insert a 'Title Slide'. And this is going to be-- there's already a Title Slide. So I'm going to adjust this one here. This one is going to be my 'Social Media Report'. I'm going to add a 'New Slide'. Just a regular old blank slide, there it goes there. And what I want to do is, I want to put in my video. So I'm going to do that by going to 'Insert'. One of the options along here is 'Video'. On a PC, you'll find it's a smaller Icon. I click on this, 'Movie from File'. Easy, let's go and find 'Export Line Graph'. That's my PPT one, click 'Insert'.

Now even the Standard definition is quite big. So I might even go back and make it a little smaller. Say where I'm doing something, and it's actually just-- we're going to have a lot of different Infographics in here. What you need to do is go and test it on the kind of presenting laptop. And realize it's probably going to go horribly wrong and work towards that, make the videos really small. Make sure the quality is there, if I click on this one, it looks good. But you just also want to make sure they're physically a little bit smaller. So I might make this maybe 500 high because I've got it quite small in here now.

A couple of little adjustments we're going to do. When this thing is playing, I want it to auto play. At the moment, when this things loads, this thing auto plays. So what I want to do is, when we get to the slide here, I want it to auto play, then we'll update the Poster Image. So auto play just means-- because at the moment, by default if I click on my video, up here where it says Playback, it's when it's clicked, so the presenter has to go and click it. That's often not what we want to do. We want the person to move to the slide and just start playing, and stop at the end. So with it selected, I want Playback start when clicked, or start automatically. Now let's go into presentation mode, let's have a little look. If I go to 'View', 'Presentation View' can you see, it just started playing all by itself. Lovely. So that's auto play done, and it just pauses at the end. I'm going to hit 'Esc', get out of my preview.

The other thing I'm going to do is, you can see here if you have it-- when it's clicked, the other way of playing it nothing appears, so I'm going to add that Poster Image. The other thing with it is that, let's say I want to match the background color because I want this to, instead of looking like it's just kind of hanging, doing its own thing, want to match the background color. And the Poster Image is going to help with that as well because there's big color change, watch this, it's kind of this color. And I hit Play, and watch, it gets a lot darker when it starts playing. Just to do with the video codecs. There's some strange things that go on in the compression. But the cool thing is that my Poster Image is the same color. So, what we're going to do is, click in the background, go along to 'Design', find your 'Format Background'.

Actually we're not ready for that yet, we need to do the Poster Image first. So select on the video, go to Playback. And we're looking for 'Video Format', and we want this one called 'Poster Frame'. And we're going to go to 'Image' from 'File'. We've created that one, it's in '10 Exporting', there it is there. Our Poster Image, 'Line Chart Poster Image', click 'Insert'. You can see, it's the right color now, so it matches it. And when it's not playing, it's actually looking good. But when I play, it looks nice as well. So we're going to match the background now. We have to do once the Poster Image is up because we're going to steal the color from it to match the background. If we did it while it was still that light color nothing's going to match up.

So background selected, let's go to 'Design'. Let's go along to 'Format Background'. Where it says 'Solid Fill' here, 'Color', I'm going to drop this down, get more colors, grab the 'Eyedropper' tool, steal this color, click 'OK'. And now our little video is just a little bit more integrated into my PowerPoint presentation. Let's go back to the 'Title Slide', let's go to 'View'. Let's go to 'Presenter View', and there's my Title. And I use my Arrow key to go along, and look at that, pretty.

So that's it for this video. The big things to remember is, this thing doesn't need to come in at Full HD, especially when you're Scaling it down. Play around with how big it can come in, and how good it's going to look through the projector, through the laptop and more importantly, the projector it's getting used on. It's going to be a presentation. And if you go into your Video Bitrate make sure it's nice and low, 2 and 5 seems to work nicely. And export that mp4, then make it auto play. All right, that is the end of this video.

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