Okay, so in the last video we put this together using a classic tween, but there's a little bit, I call it power pointiness. It's just kind of charges in and doesn't have any sort of smoothness to or slickness to it. And this is the kind of magic bit from where yourself taught to somebody who's done a little bit of training and kind of figures out easing and a bit of motion blur and that kind of, yeah, that little trickery to make things look quite slick. So what we're gonna do is deal with easing and we're gonna do it, we're gonna turn the eyeball off on the type layer and deal just with this first one. Okay? So what we're gonna do is you do that, we're gonna do easing to start with.
So easing is uh, considered like how slow and how like varying speeds as it goes along in the animation at the moment. It has no varying speed, just the same speed all the way across. So what we are gonna do is click on this first key frame. It's always the first key frame. So we're gonna play with this animation between here and here. It's the only animation on this liar.
But um, so between these two key frames, you always deal with the first key frame and you've got to highlight it here. Then what you wanna do is you want to grab the ease, okay? And you gotta decide whether it eases in or eases out. Now I know 'cause it loads of times you are gonna always forget. So what you do is you just test ease out and I've just dragged it all the way to the right by clicking and dragging. You can type 100, there's also a minus 100, which is the full amount, full amount of ease in.
You can be anywhere in between. Okay? It doesn't really matter but just give it a test. So we're gonna do full ease in and you'll see what it does. Let's give it a prevena browser. Ended up in the wrong one.
This is the guy I want you out there buddy. Okay, ease in wasn't what I wanted. It's kind of going slow at the beginning and kind of getting fast at the end. I want it to be the other one. Okay? So I'm gonna click on you back to my timeline.
Click on this key frame and I want to ease out. Okay? And what that's gonna do, it's gonna look a little nicer with this 'cause he comes to a rest. So this is the original guy. Watch him go. He was the ease in, okay?
And he kind of comes to a duke at the end there. And this one here kind of starts fast watch kind of comes to a nice rest. It'll be a little bit more obvious when we do it to this type here. So let's give this a go. So I'm gonna go to the timeline now I'm gonna turn the eyeball off on our green blob and turn the eye on the type layer. I'm gonna move my key, uh, my hit timeline along.
So I find it's on frame, I got it on frame 13 here and I'm clicked on my first key frame and here I've got ease in. Okay? I want it to be eased out actually. So I'm gonna drag all the way to a hundred where you just type in 100 and let's give that a preview and hopefully this'll be a bit more. There you go. See that has a lot more, I dunno what to call it.
It just looks nicer. Okay, coming to a nice rest at the end there. Now that's using the default ease. I often go in and customize it. So the same key frame, instead of using this kind of like in and out, I always hit this pencil here and this curve. Okay?
What you've gotta think about is with this curve is that um, this is, it's when it started. So this starts all the way over here and then as it goes through, okay, as it plays through, that's where it's finished. Okay? So that is right at the end. So you can just kind of see that if it was our PowerPointy version, it would be completely straight like this. Okay?
So I can reset it. That's what it looks like and I'll preview it in the background here. And that's just the PowerPoint version. By dragging that ease to ease out, we've created this like little curve here and that curve's fine. Okay? It's like a little, little gentle curve and it looks a bit nicer.
I love to extreme this curve, okay? And what I'm doing is I'm clicking the boxes in the corners, okay? This little black box, this little guy pops out. Okay? So if I gotta reset, if I click on this box here, this little dot appears and if I click and drag it up or down, okay, um, dragging it up is an ease out. Dragging it down like a ski ramp okay?
Is an ease in. So I'm gonna drag it up, okay? And I want to kind of ex make it quite extreme. You, you and hopefully now I'm dragging this little dot out this way. Watch this. It'll come come, it'll come speeding in.
Maybe it's coming in a little fast, but definitely more extreme than what it was. Great. Now click. Okay. Preview browser is always better than in uh, Adobe animate. You see it's got a kind of extreme kind of charges in it comes to a nice little rest there at the end.
Okay? So I'm gonna do that same thing now one of the other things you can do is um, maybe the first key frame we're using this pencil. Now it goes blank when it, when you've done your own custom one is you don't actually just have to do an ease out or an in. You can do both, okay? This is gonna ease in and then get about halfway and then ease out. So it's gonna do both ways.
So watch this, it's gonna start quite slow and then get quite fast. So I quite like this quite often. Most of the things end up being like this where it kind of watch this, it's kind of start slow and end slow, but it goes fast in the middle here it's preview a browser and in trouble with this one is that you don't really see it off screen 'cause you can't see anything over here. So it's probably better just left as it was. So I'm gonna undo, all right, um, we should go back and do the one for this one as well. So I'm gonna turn you off.
Click on that first key frame, customize it and let's give it a little bit more extreme. There we go. Preview it. Now little guys have a little bit more to them. All right, so that's add to add a little bit more slickness to our um, ad banner. Uh, let's move on to the next video.