Class Project 06 - Text & Image Interaction
Daniel Scott
Founder of Bring Your Own Laptop & Chief Instructor
instructorI discovered the world of design as an art student when I stumbled upon a lab full of green & blue iMac G3’s. My initial curiosity around using the computer to create ‘art’ developed into a full-blown passion, eventually leading me to become a digital designer and founder of Bring Your Own Laptop.
Sharing and teaching are a huge part of who I am. As a certified Adobe instructor, I've had the honor of winning multiple Adobe teaching awards at their annual MAX conference. I see Bring Your Own Laptop as the supportive community I wished for when I was first starting out and intimidated by design. Through teaching, I hope to bring others along for the ride and empower my students to bring their stories, labors of love, and art into the world.
True to my Kiwi roots, I've lived in many places, and currently, I reside in Ireland with my wife and kids.
All right then, it is class exercise time. Now using the techniques we learned in the previous video to make this I want you to open up two images from your exercise files. It's in '05 Selections', open up 'Text Interaction 02' and '03'. This one from Rodion Kutsaev, and this one here from Chattersnap.
Now you can use either of them, or do both of them. I want you to get the text interact with these leaves in some way, and the same with this one. Maybe nestle it in there somewhere. So let's look at the class projects.
So it's this one here. Number 38, open up either those images, create your own text, and then use a mixture of the tools you've learnt in this class. It's going to be a lot of Quick Selection, duplicating that Background Layer, adding a Layer Mask, fixing that Layer Mask with a Selective Mask if you need to, you don't have to. Just make sure the layer ordering is right, make sure that our new selection is on top, the text is in the middle, and the original one is at the background, a little sandwich.
Now what really sets this off is making that Shadow Layer. Remember, we made a new layer just above our text, and we use this thing called a Layer Clipping Mask to join the two up. So that's the homework. I'd love to see what you do. This one’s a real super exciting one, I feel. It's a point in the class where we finally go from like passive Photoshop user, adjusting and doing little-- like interacting and calling on more than just one Photoshop skill at once.
I hope you have fun with it. I'd love to see your work, please share it. Either the projects part of this website, or in the comments. Better yet, share it with me on Instagram, I am bringyourownlaptop. Go now, do the homework, I will see you in the next video.