How to make an image black & white in Photoshop CC
Daniel Scott
Founder of Bring Your Own Laptop & Chief Instructor
instructorI discovered the world of design as an art student when I stumbled upon a lab full of green & blue iMac G3’s. My initial curiosity around using the computer to create ‘art’ developed into a full-blown passion, eventually leading me to become a digital designer and founder of Bring Your Own Laptop.
Sharing and teaching are a huge part of who I am. As a certified Adobe instructor, I've had the honor of winning multiple Adobe teaching awards at their annual MAX conference. I see Bring Your Own Laptop as the supportive community I wished for when I was first starting out and intimidated by design. Through teaching, I hope to bring others along for the ride and empower my students to bring their stories, labors of love, and art into the world.
True to my Kiwi roots, I've lived in many places, and currently, I reside in Ireland with my wife and kids.
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Hi there, the name of this video is pretty much a give-away. We're going to turn colorful images into black and white images, but the cool thing is, we're going to have lots of control about how it goes black and white. Same with this one, black and white it. Color, black and white, we're even going to add a tint to recolor it. All right, exciting times, let's get into it in Photoshop.
So to get started, it's 'File', 'Open'. Let's open up two files from the color folder, it's called 'Black & White'. There is an 01 and an 02, we'll start with 01. There's a few ways in Photoshop to make things black and white. The best way, in my opinion is under 'Adjustments', there's a slider here. This one here called 'Black & White'. Second row down, third one, click on that. Again, it's this non destructive layer, which is cool, we can turn it on and off. Up here, depending on what you last did, you might have set it back to Default, and that's made it black and white. Now what's cool about this is that it is adjustable. So if I turn this eyeball off, you'll see that this-- this is kind of considered reds, right? But let's say, when I convert it to black, it's this gray, but say I want it to be darker, the reds I can drag this way.
You can see, you can kind of, like-- you got more control about it going black and white. Rather than going full black and white, then trying to fix it with something like levels, you've got this kind of full control here. So just go through and decide like you how you want this thing to do. Let's say I find this too dark, so I'm just going to raise the reds. I kind of want this color here, what color is it? It is like a Cyan, somewhere it is Cyan, trying to make it lighter. I thought of making it a little bit more-- I want to come out, I guess. So just work your way through till you find something you're happy with.
One little tip for you is this option here. If you hover above it-- it's got a terrible name. It's got this 'Drag in Image and Modify Slider'. You can click on this little hand here, and what it allows you to do, instead of having to work out what color that is, you saw it before, I turned the eye on and off, and like, you're Cyan, you're Magenta, and turning it back on, and trying to adjust them here. You can actually just drag on this. I've got this selected, goes a darker color. Let's say I want to darken up this, I click, hold my mouse. I drag it right to make it lighter, drag it left to make it darker. So often this is just easier. I'm just going to kind of drag it around, maybe the background needs to be a little bit lighter. So picks the colors for you.
Say this guy here, I want you to be a bit darker to match this. Now obviously the colors are being used in more than one place, so you will find that you might have to rob this one and kind of deal with the consequences where the colors are being used over here as well. Later on when we get into Masking you will be able to kind of just work on a particular object. For the moment, we're just doing some adjustments, clicking, holding, and dragging. Let's jump to the second example. Do the same thing, and I'll show you one last trick.
So 'Adjustments', then we go to 'Black & White'. I love this little inky stuff in water. We'll use this little bit throughout the course but using it now mainly because I am sick of looking at shoes. I've decided for a shoe theme for this course. I kind of regret it, running up like video 10. So now we've got ink in water. What we're going to do is, same thing as before, we can just adjust these but it's probably easier to click on this, and say-- because you've seen, there's two main colors in this ink splurged thing. So I'm going to turn them on, and you can just kind of start dragging.
Let's say I want to make everything dark, I'm just dragging it to the left. It just kind of picks what colors-- work around. Maybe a bit too dark down here. So that on art drag out thing is pretty cool. I'll turn it off. The thing I wanted to show you was this thing here called Tint. We kind of looked at something called Color Eyes when we did Hue & Saturation. This thing here works the exact same way, which is the handy way of doing it, black and whiting it in one color and going to 'Tint', and this color here is the color that's been applied. So it's got the sepia old world color now.
I can click on this, and you can pick any color you like. So you drag this Hue slider up and down to find that kind of color range you want. Let's say I want kind of a warm pink. Click 'OK'. And now when I go to my little on art slider here I'm going to decide to drag it, so it's just a bit brighter. Cool, huh?
So it's a good way of-- you meant to be using it just to tint it but we've totally colorized this thing here. So that's the extra little tip. And that is it, black and whiting is pretty easy, you get a better control. Little bit of extra adjustment with this slider and you can tint it if you need to. And always, it's non destructive so this thing is just underneath, ready to go. You can delete this layer by clicking it. See this trash can here, you can delete him. I'm super happy with myself, so I'm going to leave it here. And yes, I'll see you in the next video.