Hello. Hey, we are going to distort both regular old shapes, like this kind of, uh, group of rectangles with gradients in it, into this lovely whippy flag warpy thing, okay? And we'll do the same thing with text where we kinda squish it into a shape. Um, there is a bonus at the end where we do, um, something similar but with the puppet pin tool. So let's get busy distorting shapes using what's called an envelope distort. Alright?
To get started, um, open up envelope distort from your exercise files. You can do with any old shape as long as it's vector. Okay? And let's start with uh, this top group of the top this. These are just rectangles that I've grouped together and added gradients to. There's nothing fancy about them.
Okay? I'm gonna have them all selected. I've grouped them and I'm gonna go up to object. And there's an option in here that says Envelope distort. In this video we'll look at make with whap and make with top object. And we'll do make with mesh in the next one.
So let's go make with whap, okay? And that often will do a lot of what you want to do. Need a rainbow Done. We've got an arc. Okay? You can adjust the bins in here, okay?
To get it how you want. There is some different options underneath. When I say different is, it'll depend on the style that you pick. Okay? So if you need an arch, actually I'm gonna put these back to zero, tab zero. So they're back in the middle to give you a better sense of them.
So obviously arch, these little icons are helpful. Arch and arc are very similar, but kind of give you that kind of different look. And of course we all need the fish. I've never used the fish option. Okay? I waiting for the day where I get a client that says, all right, I'm a fish shop.
I'm like, bingo fish style followed by fisheye. It is just so easy to be able to kind of like, things like flag and wave are just so easy when you get to kind of just drag a slider rather than trying to, I don't know if you've ever tried to do this with like a pen tool and give all the curves to follow each other. It's a nightmare. Okay? Make sure your preview's on so you can actually see what's going on when you make your changes. But there you go.
Make with Warp, it's pretty easy. Um, let's click. Okay. What'll happen is if I click out and I click back on, I'm like, can I change it still? You totally can. Um, over here there's warp options or if you've got this top bar turned on, okay, you can see there's a lot of options up here.
There's a dropdown, okay? And all the options that are just in here, it's up to you. Go back into Warp Options, okay? And it is kind of continually editable. I'm gonna click okay. There will be a time where this is kind like trapped in this like envelope warp.
It's an envelope because basically imagine sticking objects inside of an actual envelope, like a letter envelope and then twisting the envelope. The stuff inside of it's still fine. It's the envelope that is actually distorting everything. That's why it's called an envelope distort at the moment. It's kinda like trapped in this zone of editability. Okay?
We can go back into Warps options, but let's say we wanna break it apart 'cause we want to like adjust anything, okay? It's kind of stuck here. There's two options. You can go up to Object and our regular old expand, okay? And that'll kind of, uh, click okay. It'll get it to the thing that you know and love.
Okay? I'm gonna ungroup it and now it's just like I'm gonna ungroup it again, okay? And it's now just parts, okay? It's no longer editable as that warp. Um, but it is kind of like as we know it. So sometimes that is useful.
Um, I'm gonna go Undo, undo, undo until it's back to a wp. You can kind of see it, it's kind of in a bigger box. And there's these lines in here. Um, another way to do it is you can go to Object and down to envelope, distort, okay? And in here there's one called Release. So expand is the exact same thing, either clicking it here or up here.
But if I go to, uh, envelope Distort and go to release, what ends up happening is it shows you kind of like, it's just interesting if you need that shape and separate these out, I'm gonna actually copy and paste it so I've got it. Then do that object envelope, distort release, okay? Kind of separates them out. But this is the shape that was forcing this to do the bend, okay? And that shape you can use later on, I'll show you. So this is the thing, forcing this into a shape.
So we can use that technique, okay? For that type that you saw at the beginning. So what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna grab some type type tool. I'm gonna go much enter Love. I'm gonna pick a font. You wait there, okay?
I like this font. It's called um, hobo Rocco. I don't know how to pronounce that. Um, you can see it there. Okay? It's a, uh, Doby font.
I've made it bigger. I'm gonna make it actually a different color and I'm gonna stick it on top of this. 'cause what we can do is, um, first of all, the layer order needs to be right. Okay? So I'm gonna say this heart needs to be on the top, okay? And I'm selecting both the heart and the text.
And I'll show you why. You can go into object and you can go to envelope store and you can say instead of Make with Warp, you can say Make with Top object. Okay? And as long as the object's on top, it will start bending it. Cool. A okay?
So whatever you design on top can kind of be squished in there. Now it is really hard to edit this afterwards, okay? You can go inside, it's still editable text, okay? I can go inside it and say, all right, I wanna play around with the lidding here. Found it all. I'm gonna use my shortcut for the lidding, which is Option up, but it's kind of weird to work in this view.
Okay? That's alt up and I've got it all selected to do the letting. Okay, I'm gonna kind of come all the way out, double click the background. I find it's easier to get the type, kind of close to where you want it to be before you get it in and actually pick a font that actually is legible much in this font is tricky. Love kind of works. There you go.
Oh, I love you too. Um, double click the background. Okay? So it is editable type and you can just use the top shape. So that is really handy because if you say you get like, um, like this one here, you like the kind of whip in the, you know, flag style of this, you can release it, okay? And then use this multiple times on different shapes, different text to get the same effect, if you know what I mean.
Um, so you use the kind of make with warp to get the original shape, release it. So you've got this thing and then use this again and again and again as the top object. Just make sure it's on top. Sometimes though as well is I'm gonna copy this. I'm gonna go undo, undo, undo, undo, undo, undo. I'm gonna come back to here when I had the actual heart.
Often I want it inside of it, you know. So what I'm gonna do is just paste it and maybe shrink it down a little bit so that um, You know, I'm using the top shape, which obviously disappears when you've used it. And I've got another copy that just kinda like fills the void there. Oh, good way. The other thing you might do is I'm gonna make a duplicate of this, is we looked at the puppet um, pin tool. So you don't have a lot of control.
The top shape drives the font and you're like, oh, it's doing some weird stuff with this U here. So what I'm gonna do is kind of show you an alternative is I'm gonna play with the lidding optional alt up arrow and I'm gonna go there and I'm gonna grab the puppet pin tool. Okay? So this is completely different, but a kind of a similar effect with maybe a bit more control. So can't remember where the puppet pin tool is. See somewhere, oh does everybody turn that thing on?
You can hit the cross or hit escape and it gets rid of it. Um, oh, I can't remember what the puppet pin tool is. Oh there it is. It was there the whole time. Anyway, okay, so you've got some random pins going in. Might add some more to the corners.
Get rid of this one. Just be very kind of deliberate with this text, okay? And maybe have wing one there and get rid of that one. Maybe one there. You gotta actually click on the object. If I try and click there, it doesn't go in.
Okay. Probably a bit too much control, but you can kind of see I'm gonna do the same sort of thing. Um, but I get to be a little bit more deliberate around. It takes longer, okay? But I can start kind of rotating this around and decide where it's gonna go. You get the idea?
We've done the puppet pin tool. You made a cool flock or a murder, alright? Alternative use of the puppet pin tool, using it for type. It'll depend on what you're doing. Alright, my friends that is using the envelope warp tool with a bit of puppet pin tool in there for good measure. Alright, I'll see you in the next video.