Hello everyone. We are going to go nuts with the recolor panel. We've done something similar early on, uh, with the generative recolor, but now we're gonna get right into it. Uh, it's a great way of going through and picking, uh, new colors for a graphic. We're gonna start here and kind of work our way through picking new colors. And it's really useful for somebody like me who end up picking the same colors.
It's a great way to experiment with colors or if you are new, it's a great way to pick colors that you would never even think of or color combinations. It's uh, we can also pull from images. Look at that. The image drives the color as well. Plus we can use some of the preset colors. It's super awesome.
Let's jump in and recolor stuff. Alright, so open up Recolor O one. Okay. And what we're gonna do is make a few duplicates. I've selected it, I'm gonna hold my option key down and drag it alt on a pc and then command or control, D, DD, D, DDD to get a bunch of different copies. Alright, so let's leave the original, let's do the second one.
So select everything on there. You can get to recolor there, there under edit, edit colors, recolor, there's so many ways of getting there. Either way, we're gonna get to this window. Make sure you can drag this little top bit so you can see the thing underneath. And let's start with the basic and we'll get more and more complicated. First of all, make sure this is linked.
Okay? So the link is linked, broken, link linked. We want it to be linked. And what you can do is you can grab any one of these colors and watch, you can drag it around. You gotta let go of it. It's a drag.
Let drag. Can you see? You're like, oh, look at that. It's a great way of picking new colors rather than going to every single color and going. You knew. You knew, you knew.
Look at that. What you'll find though is if you don't have a good set of first colors, like good color combinations, that doesn't matter how much you drag that recolor slider, you'll just get, you know, if you've got ugly colors here, you'll get different versions of ugly combinations here. So that's one thing. If it's not getting better, you might need to pick some new colors. So how do you do that? Pick new colors.
Let's do this for this, uh, third one. Let's go to Recolor. Okay? What you can do is you can pick something from the color libraries. There's stuff in here that I'm not too worried about these 'cause they're more like, let's say let's go to art history and let's pick uh, barque, okay? And it's gonna give you a really limited color palette in that artistic style.
And again, you can drag it around. You can say actually, so it's completely new colors. Now it's not like, uh, changing these ones or adjusting them. You're actually limiting the color palette. Okay? So that's baroque.
Let's have a look at one more select all of you guys. Reopen recolor. Let's go to like the colors. Let's pick metal. Okay? And it's metallic colors, okay?
And what you can do in here, let's take this a bit further. So let's find one that we kind of like, but let's say this gray here is just too dark. You can drag it in. Okay, we'll drag them all in. Okay? So I'm gonna undo that.
I'm gonna break the link and say you are a lone ranger now. So I want you and par there so you can go, you that you are kind of more over there and you are over here, okay? It's not using all the colors. This is quite a limited, um, colors. There's not many colors going on in this. You can see there's only one, two, and three.
I should have probably picked something that had more colors going into it. Okay? So you can adjust which ones it is using. It's using this brown. Okay? So I can adjust that one around.
Let's go over to the greens and it's using this one. I'm gonna drag that one around. Alright? Um, the other thing is you can do in here, let's do another one. So let's select you go to recolor. Uh, other things that are useful, you might just hit these ones.
It says change color order randomly. So at the moment you can see it's got this, um, yellow, it's got this mandarin red. Okay? And a brown and black. Watch this. If I just hit random, it just goes and switches and round.
Okay? Same colors, but it's just put them in different orders and that can be really handy. You're like, Ooh, look at that same colors as this first one. Just jiggled around. Okay, let's do another one. So you, and go to Recolor and say, actually, I don't want you just to jiggle the colors around randomly.
I want you to change the saturation and brightness randomly. Can you see this? Wow. All sorts of new colors. Look at that. So it's using the same, can you see?
They're not moving on the color wheel, it's just deciding that actually I am, instead of using that, really, I can't remember what color we, this one back here, there's this kind of like black, but it's not black. It's quite a, it's got a bit of green in it, so it's gone and said, all right, not black. I'm gonna make you kind of like a lighter version of that. So it misses with the randomly the saturation and the brightness of those colors. So that can be really handy as well. Alright, let's do another one.
And let's go to recolor. What you can do is you can say, I like all of these colors, but I just want them to be, there's two options. There's brightness and hue and saturation and hue. So you can say, I want the brightness and hue to go down. Okay? Or I can make it brighter or I can say you, I want the, uh, play around with the saturation and hue.
So drag it lower. So less saturated. More saturated. So basically light and dark, more color, less color. Let's do another one. Uh, let's go into here.
We're running outta ones. Let's go into here. You can decide on colors. It's defaulting to at the moment, 1, 2, 3, 4. You might have hundreds of colors in your illustration. Okay?
But you can say, actually, I just want two. And what it's doing is, is that it's only using two colors and different shades of it. So there's this like solid dark color at the back and there's this, um, tan color here. Okay? It's not tan, we're gonna call it brown. Um, they've got this color here and it's used the brown color there, but it's used a lighter version of it there and an even lighter version of it there and a kind of a middle version of it there.
So there's only two colors, different saturations of those two colors. All right, let's, we're gonna need some more of these. So I'm gonna grab one, two, and three. Cool. So let's bring in some images. You can pull colors from images, which is cool.
So we're gonna go in, in your exercise files. I've got two colors. They're called recolor, image one and two. I'm just gonna drag them into my doc. You can go file place to bring them in. I like doing it this way.
So you can go there and you can go there. So it might be that you've got a graphic, a hero image, something that you have to include in your document and you wanna pull the colors from it. Okay? Let's say that this has to go with this image. We just like the colors in it. You can select it all.
Okay? And you can go to recolor and you can say, uh, Grab the color theme picker from, it has to be a pixel based image. Watch this. Bam. It's pulled all the colors from that image so that when you're using this logo on this image, there is a cohesiveness. Again, you can use all the things we did before to adjust them afterwards.
Okay? Uh, brightness, you might decide that they need to be brighter. Okay? From here you might decide that the saturation needs to come up as well. Okay? It's a great way of getting these things to mix.
Well, we'll do one more. Basically the exact same thing. Nothing new here. So you color, color theme. They don't always work. Sometimes you do stuff and you're like, Ooh, it's not quite it.
Okay? The other thing it's gonna do is that it's decided lots of blue because this image has lots of that kind of blue. So you can decide, this color here actually just needs to get bigger. So I need you to go bigger over here. You can kind of influence which color gets used by making them bigger. Down the bottom here it can be a little tricky to play around with these things.
You see prominent colors. I want that to be more prominent. You can keep going until it's like mega prominent and starts taking over the colors of other parts. This starts getting smaller. This is only using a little bit. Cool.
Ha. I love recolor. It is a great way of getting colors that just look good. If you find color tricky like I do. I, I don't find color tricky. I find a quite repetitive and this helps me get out of that repetitiveness, the Recolor panel.
I hope you found it useful and I will see you in the next video, buddy. All right, see you there.