Hello. Hey, have you ever wanted to put text inside of text while you're in the right video? Okay, we're gonna do it this way with just the cool gritty of the background and then we'll do this. Look, it is text inside of text and there's actually an image inside of text, inside of text. It's very inception but it looks really cool, right? Let's jump in and I'll show you how to do it.
Alright? Uh, you can open up the file called text in shape, not text vector, text in shape oh one. Um, I've just gotta call it background. You don't really need anything. You can create your own. Um, we're gonna start with the giant letter.
So I'm gonna grab the type tool, um, hitting the tiki click once. I'm gonna use the initials from my company. Um, do it with me because the D causes us problems. If you have a, a letter that doesn't have this compound shape, that kind of like hole cut in the middle of it, like an R or a a, you know, let's see that hole in the middle and that will give you extra trouble. One knock 'cause we'll work it out. And I'm holding shift and grabbing the corners just to make a ginormous font.
And I'm gonna pick something that is um, got a really big, um, got a big weight so the text can actually fit inside of it. So this one called active grotesque, you'll be able to find that on Adobe font if you want it. Okay, so we're gonna start with this one. What we'll do is we always uh, have a duplicate of it just in case we need to go back. And this is very destructive. You can't put a text inside of editable text at the moment at least.
Okay? So what we're gonna do is outline it. It's a command shift O or control shift O on a PC or type create outlines. Okay? Now it's a shape. So although this is text inside of a text, you could draw anything now, okay?
'cause this is just a shape. So the rest continues. If you want to put it inside of a star or a rectangle, actually a rectangle wouldn't be useful. That's a text box. So what we wanna do now as well is these things are grouped so I need to ungroup them. Command shift G or control shift G on a PC or right click it and ungroup it.
So I've got two shapes. Let's do with the G first 'cause it's slightly easier. Um, it's kinda weird though, right? If I grab my type tool, I'm looking for area type tool. That's the magic that does the magic. Okay?
And what if I click on it and watch this? If I click on here it says, Hey, you can't do it to compound shape. And you're like, it's not a compound shape that is, this isn't, I don't know why, but that's what happens. It's a compound shape. Okay, I'm gonna release the compound um, shape. Okay?
A compound path, nothing happens 'cause it's not a compound shape. But hey it works now. Okay, now if I can click in here and actually because it is no longer a compound shape, which says go to the regular type tool, see the icon changes goes beep beep. That little circle version, a drone sound effects because it's the um, yeah, it just kind of guesses it goes, Hey, do you mean the text area type? And you're like, yeah, I did. So now what we're gonna have to do is pick a font that fits something small.
So I'm gonna go, first of all, I'm gonna pick like robot something easy and small and I'm gonna make a small size kind of that looks like it'll fit pretty good and my placeholder text will kind of run out of it, right? So I'm just gonna click in there and go type and go to fill the placeholder text and we'll just top it up. So you might have to do that a few times. There is just some issues. Can you see with a sentence or the line ends and there's this kind of like if I go stick off in the background, it is close but it's like, is that a C? Is that a G?
Okay, what you can do is you can mess around with the font size, get it smaller and smaller. It will fill in a lot more of the cracks. What you can do as well under paragraph we're just using left and line use one of these ones either justify, okay, which tries to justify the text, kind of squeezes it into the whole line. Um, and the only problem with this one is I think this is called the last line or is it justify with last line a land left. Okay, the alternative is this one here. This one is justify all lines.
It just goes, I'm gonna smush even, you know, I'm just gonna smushes across even though there's huge gaps in here. And there are just times where there's rivers running. They call 'em rivers where this one's got some extreme, mostly not too bad. Um, you can kind of see gaps starting to appear in places. This is for a fact. It's not meant to be legible.
So I'm gonna ignore those. I'm gonna go back to maybe just left a line, kind of does enough of it. I'm gonna pick uh, white font. I'm gonna actually go to the slightly bolder version medium and I'm going to pick white 'cause it looks cool against the ingredient. So that kind of works until you get to this one. Okay?
This one has this hole in the middle. So what we're gonna do is again, we're gonna right click and say release compound path 'cause that's part of it. I've got this chunk in the middle here, okay? I'm going to copy it and maybe just move a version over there. I'm gonna paste it in again in a sec. And what I'm gonna do is ignore it.
I'm going to grab my tug tool and I should be able to click in there. It's remember the last font I've done except it's black. So I'm gonna slip it all and I'm gonna grab the eyedropper tool. The shortcut key for the eyedropper tool is clearly I, which you can't do when you're in the type tool. Let's go to the eyedropper tool, click in here. We will steal the font and the color and the size.
But we've got that thing. Where did my middle of my D go? That's all we're gonna do is just hit paste. So command or control, uh, V. Okay, actually we're gonna use the paste in place. Anybody remember that from earlier?
Edit it's command, it's command F or control F. Okay? It gets it back to where you copied it from rather than just the middle of the screen. That's what paste does right in the middle of the screen wherever you are. Paste, okay? So command F gets it back, um, wherever it got it.
So what I wanna do is this, we're gonna add a lot of magic to it. So the magic is okay under it should be under type. I always hunt for it under type, it's actually under object. And if you go down to here called text wrap and hey make, ooh, look at this, it's got this like visible force feel on it. Watch, you can move it around and design people are like, yeah, whatever. We're doing that for ages.
But if this is new, I dunno, it's exciting. Um, it's got this kind of like, can you see the invisible line around the outside? You can get rid of that by going back into object down to text wrap and go to the text wrap options. Just turn it down from uh, six down to or whatever the default was on yours, turn it to zero. So it's still working, it's just not got a little force word around it. Okay?
We can't get rid of this, but we kind of can, right? We can say you have no um, no fill, no stroke. So remember X toggles this over here, okay? So it has no stroke already. I'm gonna toggle it. So the fills up front and then I'm gonna use that forward slash key on my keyboard's down the bottom next to the question mark.
Remember that? Okay, that is the have no fill. There you go. Kinda x. We're gonna go even further like we saw earlier on. We're gonna put an image inside of it.
It gets even weirder only because uh, when I first did this course, um, people were like, oh, how do I do images? And they went off and tried to do it and it's really weird. So we'll do the weirdness together. So I just copied and pasted that. What I wanna do now is bring in an image, it's a command shift P or control shift P on a pc, okay? And we're gonna bring in from your exercise files, there is something called text shape O2, just an image that we made in the essentials course.
So I'm gonna get it so it's nice and big kind of covering everything and I'm gonna move it to the back. So I'm gonna be a command shift in the first square bracket because I just wanna kind of get the hints of it in here. Now it's easier just to outline all the text. That's what I've found. Okay? The compound path and this text rep stuff just doesn't work.
So what we're gonna do is select both of them and we're gonna say, you know, we've got a copy of it that is editable. So we can change the text that is inside of here in terms of the white stuff. But we're gonna have to go, um, remembers the shortcut, command shift o control shift O and a PC or under type create outlines. Okay? Because now it's just, yeah, it's a bit destructive but it's okay. We're doing it for an effect rather than editable text.
What we're gonna do now is we're gonna group them together. 'cause we can mask these. If I grab the G in this background one, okay, and I go command seven on a Mac to mask or control seven on a pc, it's gonna say, Hey, it's very complex. I'm gonna say yes, okay. And it kind of doesn't work. That reminds me why it doesn't work.
Okay, why it doesn't work is for some reason this works great. My machine is struggling a little bit. Okay? If your machine is struggling, it will. It's such a big complex mask to make it work. I'm gonna select both of them and I am going to turn it into a compound path.
Don't know why. Okay? So command or control eight. It is now a compound path. We haven't cut a hole in anything yet, but it is a compound path. It allows us now though, as long as this is on the top, gonna hold shift, grab the image in the background and then go command seven.
Control seven. It's gonna say very complex and you're gonna say, I'm willing to take the risk 'cause look how cool that is. Love it. Obviously you'd be using not Lauren Ipsum. Potentially there'd be some sort of text that's relevant to your business. It might be, I don't know, chat, GBT AI generated Or it might be poem quotes, your annual report.
Something in there that maybe is a bit more, I dunno, maybe a description of what you guys do. Maybe your menu for some reason it just looks really cool, especially when there's depth in the image. Okay, I dunno comes a really good, the big takeaway from doing images inside of it is that stick 'em all together, make it a compound path and then do the masking. The big thing to remember in this one here, uh, remember that when you outline this first shape, okay? And try and protect and it says hey can't be a compound path, and you're like, it's, or it's not a compound path, but it kind of is. Illustrator has created a compound path.
You gotta release the compound path and then you should be able to put text in it. Then for things that actually have um, a compound path in it, like uh, a or a D or an RK or an O, you need to put the shape back in okay? And put text wrap around it. And at this stage, if it remains editable text to go the image way, we have to outline the text as well inside of it. You were watching, you were taking notes. I know, you know.
Anyway, that is it. We put text inside, text and then image inside, text inside text. It's very inception, but very cool. Alright, I'll see you in the next video.