Where To Get Great Free Fonts For Use In InDesign

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Course contents
Creative Cloud APP 5:45
Workflow Speed Tips 20:41
Photoshop & Illustrator 13:32
Exporting & Printing Tricks 8:17


Course info

74 lessons / 9 hours Certificate of achievement


Hi there, my name is Dan. I am an Adobe Certified Instructor and an Adobe Certified Expert for InDesign and I work as a professional graphic designer. This course is about advanced features, productivity & workflow speed tricks using Adobe InDesign. 

This course is not for people brand new to InDesign. It’s for people who already know and understand the fundamentals. 

If you are already happy adding text & images to InDesign documents then this course is for you. Even if you consider yourself a heavy user, I promise there will be things in here that will blow your InDesign mind. 

You’ll learn advanced font tricks using Typekit & Opentype fonts, font grouping & font pairing. Mastering colour features like the colour theme tool and colour modes as well as professional proofing for colours for print. We’ll set permanent defaults for fonts, colours & will learn how to turn hyphenation off for good, once and for all.  

What would an advanced InDesign course be without all the tactics to fully control paragraphs, auto expanding boxes, spanning & splitting columns. You’ll become a Styles master, using nested styles, grep styles, next styles & advanced object styles.  

We’ll make beautiful charts & graphs for your InDesign documents. You’ll learn the pros & cons of various digital distribution methods including Interactive PDF’s, EPUBs & the amazing Publish Online. 

You’ll become a master of long, text heavy documents, autoflowing, primary text frames & smart text reflow, cross referencing, indexes, text variables & the InDesign book feature. There is entire section dedicated to how to speed up your personal workflow & how to speed up InDesign and get it running super fast. 

We look at interactive forms & scripts. There is just so much we cover and I want to share everything here in the intro but I can’t. Have a look through the video list, there is an amazing amount we cover here in the course. 

If you’re one of those people using InDesign and you know there is probably a better way, a faster way to work then this is your course. 

Daniel Walter Scott

What are the requirements?

  • You will need a copy of Adobe InDesign 2018 or above. But you find that 95% of all the features in this course will work with earlier version of InDesign (e.g. CS6). A free trial can be downloaded from Adobe.

What am I going to get from this course?

  • 70 lectures 5+ hours of well structured content. 
  • Create PDF Forms
  • Master Long Documents.
  • Advanced Fonts
  • Master Styles
  • Shortcut Sheet
  • Create Charts & Infographics
  • Create Interactive Documents
  • Workflow Tactics
  • Shortcuts & Speed Tips
  • Advanced Creative Cloud Features
  • Tips for working with Photoshop & Illustrator
  • Using Scripts 
  • Exporting, Prepress & Printing tricks 
  • You will get the finished files so you never fall behind. 
  • Downloadable exercise files & cheat sheet. 
  • Forum support from me and the rest of the BYOL crew. 
  • Techniques used by professional graphic designers. 
  • Professional workflows and shortcuts. 
  • A wealth of other resources and websites to help your accelerate your career. 

What is the target audience?

  • This course is for people who already know InDesign and want to take their skills and speed to the maximum level. 
  • This is an advanced InDesign course, so you’ll need basic InDesign skills to find this course useful. 
  • This course is perfect for anyone that already knows how to insert images & add text. 
  • If you a completely new to InDesign try my InDesign Essentials course before starting this one.
  • This course is perfect for anyone that has completed my InDesign Essentials course.

Course duration 7 hours 45 mins + your study.
Daniel Scott

Daniel Scott

Founder of Bring Your Own Laptop & Chief Instructor


I discovered the world of design as an art student when I stumbled upon a lab full of green & blue iMac G3’s. My initial curiosity around using the computer to create ‘art’ developed into a full-blown passion, eventually leading me to become a digital designer and founder of Bring Your Own Laptop.

Sharing and teaching are a huge part of who I am. As a certified Adobe instructor, I've had the honor of winning multiple Adobe teaching awards at their annual MAX conference. I see Bring Your Own Laptop as the supportive community I wished for when I was first starting out and intimidated by design. Through teaching, I hope to bring others along for the ride and empower my students to bring their stories, labors of love, and art into the world.
True to my Kiwi roots, I've lived in many places, and currently, I reside in Ireland with my wife and kids.

Downloads & Exercise files


So we've already looked at Typekit. So we're asked, where do you get great fonts from? Fontsquirrel is a nice place but my favorite place, where not all people have heard of, is Google Fonts. So fonts.google.com. You come into here. You can do the same thing as before, you can delete this, and say 'Spring Sale'. And it will give you a bit of a demo of it.

Now, just like Typekit, you can decide I only want to look at Display fonts. You can see there, the Abril Fatface is a lot like Lust. The font that I want is Roboto. It's a really common body copy font. That, Source Sans, and Open Sans are probably the most commonly used at the moment. But it's a bit nicer than say Arial or Helvetica. Some of you might be gasping at the Helvetica comment but Roboto is quite nice. I'm going to type in Roboto. And I'm going to download it to--

So I want the Roboto, just the regular one. I'll hit '+'. And I want the Roboto Slab, it's kind of a nice chunky one, and click this. So what this is meant to be used for is for website fonts, but there isn't a cool option that not many people know about. If I click on this 'Families Selected' first of all, it will look like this, click on 'Customize' and you can go, say, I want the Slab, I want all three sizes, please. And for Roboto, you can go through, and just tick them all. I want all of these guys to use. Clickety click. And once you've got them all at the top here there's this little mysterious button. It's the download button, click on this and it would just download those fonts to use on your computer. They are TrueType fonts, not OpenType fonts.

We looked at OpenType fonts earlier, right? OpenType has extra awesomeness. So these are just regular TrueType fonts but in this case, Roboto's going to be really good for us. Now, if you don't have access to download them they are in your exercise files. Where are they? There they are. 'Exercise Files', in '01 Spring Flyer', 'Roboto', you can just open them up. See these TrueType fonts, you just double click on each of them. Actually you can click on all of them, and double click them all at once. And they'll install. It's the same thing on a PC, just double click any of those fonts and they'll install, and I'll be ready to go in InDesign, no need to restart it.

So Roboto's going to be the font we use throughout this course. You can totally use any font you like. You even have Helvetica, but I thought Google fonts would be a good mention. One of the perk for using Google Fonts over other fonts is that if you do design a brand, and it's going to be used on a website, if you use Google Fonts it's going to be easy to have that font on their website as well as their printed material, so it's kind of like a dual use, whereas fonts through TypeKit, some of them, not all of them need to be licensed specifically and separately for use on websites.

So before we go, let's go and use our Roboto in InDesign. I'm going to grab the Rectangle tool and draw a box that sits over here. I'll get it so it actually lines up. My Color panel here, I'm just going to drop down so it's more of a dark grayish. And I'm going to grab the Type tool. I click and drag the box down here. Paste in my text, select it all, make sure it's Roboto. Move it up here. And I'm going to have to use Roboto, probably the Bold version, so it can be seen, like kind of tease and cease. Font selected, I'm going to use 'Paper'. And I'm probably going to make it all caps, this double tease at the top here. Black Arrow. All the way down, I like it in Bold. You can carry on now to the next video. I am going to go and play with fonts, decide on sizes.

You my friend, meet me in the next video for some more font amazing stuff. See you there.

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