Hello. It is time to look at something called repeat in Illustrator. Okay? It is a feature that lets us do things like this. Look, lots of donuts, all radioed around each other. Same with this, my little coffee and donuts option.
Watch this. I can make 'em bigger, smaller, flip 'em around. Okay? It's a great way of making patterns. Very similar to the pattern maker or like and repeat, but just a little bit cut down and often exactly what you need. And the nice thing about it is that it is this kind of like live effect where you can adjust that afterwards, okay?
Without having to commit it to say a swatch like the pattern maker. Alright, let's jump in and work out how best to use the repeat feature in Illustrator. Alright, if you wanna follow along, open up the file called repeat grid. Let's start with this donut at the top here. I created this using the text vector and what it does is it ends up putting out a rectangle around it, which can cause us a little bit of problems with this because I want my uh, donut knot to have this border. So I'm just gonna hit ungroup, click off, click back on and it's no longer got that border around it.
Okay? So sometimes you have to do that with text to vector at the moment. Now I wanna keep a good version of this and I'm gonna duplicate it. Okay? So hold down option key on a Mac, hold key on a PC and drag it out. Now when you are using any of these tools, it is way easier to get it to the right size before you put it into the repeat grids.
You can totally do it afterwards. It's just, it's really confusing to do it while it's um, in a repeat grid. So I got my donut. Let's look at the one, let's go to object and let's go to repeat grid. Okay? Or repeat.
We're gonna start with repeat mirror. I don't use this one very often. You might decide that you like the mirror option. You can play around with these settings how far apart it is and the rotation. I just don't use this one very often. You might be like, oh my goodness, that's awesome.
Okay, there you go. I'm gonna undo it until it's gone. Let's look at the other one. Let's go to object. Let's go to uh, repeat and let's go to the one that says radial. There we go.
We got a donut. Oh, sunshine. Okay. Uh, you can on here, you can decide how many versions of it you want. Okay? Quite like the live shapes, okay?
So the same sort of dragging components here and this one here is like where it starts and where it stops. Okay? Like do you want it just to be a semicircle or a full circle or just one? Okay, so there you go. There's this one I can play around with the size here. Okay, so it's in this kinda like live effect type deal and you can use these on art kind of graphics here or over here in the properties panel.
Can you see there's a repeat options panel, okay? And it gives you some of these options in here so you can decide more like I, you know, I need uh, six of them, not just some random number. You can see in here with a repeat radio. You can reverse it, see which one's on top. Okay, awesome. I'm gonna use that as my like little star sunshine thing here that you saw at the beginning.
Um, and let's do the grid one. This is the one I use the most. So it's kind of similar to um, like just like we did before we duplicated this, okay? You're holding down the option KE mac, oh ke a pc, okay? And just dragging it over and then you can hit command or control D, okay? And we'll duplicate it.
Then I can grab this and duplicate it. D, d, d and You can get lots of duplicates, okay? And that works fine. You can also use the patent feature that we looked at really early in this course using the um, the AI version of the patent maker or in the essentials course where we use the patent tool. This one here is just a little simpler. Let's have a look.
It's go to object actually I'm gonna get the right size first. Okay? And that works and I'm gonna go to object repeat and let's use this grid option, okay? And it's really cool, okay, I'm gonna say you, I'm gonna get it. So the sidelines up and kind of snaps to the side there. Then I can extend it out.
I need it to be that full background there doesn't quite snap and we go, it's gonna be here. And like the radio one, we've got this kind of like um, things we can drag. Okay? Like how many versions of it's gonna be there? Same with this way, okay? Just be careful dragging it.
I find it can be nicer just using the options on the side here. Now the main one you're gonna want to play around with is the grid type. You might want just a complete like grid style thing we are gonna using as it a pattern, but you might just need a few of them. There you go. Job done. Way easier than like copy and pasting and duplicating.
But if you want a kind of like a pattern style, you have got some of the pattern options here. So grid type, okay, the normal one, then uh, brick by row and then brick by column. I'm gonna do brick by column. It's the one I end up using the most. It's totally up to you. And then you can mess around with these flip, okay, it's a little bit tricky.
So at the moment they're just repeating consistently. Now I can say, so the rows are this way. Actually let's go back to this first grid type. It's a little bit easier to explain, it's hard to explain anyway, but let's use this first option. So we've got rows and columns, up and down columns left and right are rows. I can flip the rows so that every second row is facing a different direction.
Don it on one side. Don it on the side. Okay, so I can turn that off. You can do it by, you can flip horizontally. So one's upside down. So one row's upside down, the other one's up the right way.
Okay? Same thing with flipping columns. So columns move up and down. You can say every second column is flipped upside down or turn that off. Uh, every row is flipped kind of like, like a mirror. Now you can have multiple them on, you can have the flip column on.
So you can have flip column horizontal and vertical on and then we get a bit lost. I don't find, I look at them and work out which one I want. What I do is I go uh, brick by column and then mash away at this until something looks good. What I wanna do is have a bit more overlap. Now you can use these options here. Okay, can you see I can bring 'em in, I can hold shift to get them to kind of eventually go to the minuses.
I'm at zero. So if I go a little bit lower holding shift, clicking down, going in 10 point increments, okay, they overlap or it is, you might just easier drag these ones. There we go. Want a bit of overlap in there? Bit of overlap. I think the overlap's good.
Up and down. There you go. Mash weight these till I'm gonna actually start mashing away what looks good, alright for me because my coffee cup needed to be up the right way, I just used the first two options so I flipped horizontally on both the row and the column. That's how I got this one. I'm gonna move it off so it's a little bit easier to see for you. Let's say we do need to edit this afterwards.
You can Double click on any one of these guys and what ends up happening is it's quite like the pattern maker, okay? But you've just isolated one. You can move it probably best not to but you can rotate. Look at this, okay? And I can hold down shift Adrian sound effects, okay, hold shift and I could resize it. Okay?
It is just, you can see it's kind of a bit confusing doing it in here. It's better to get it right before you make it into a grid but you don't have to. There you go to come back out, double click the background or hit this arrow and you're out. Click on it again. And because this is a live effect, okay, these things hang around which is very cool. You can break them apart actually and hit the arrow again.
You can break them apart by going object and go to expand gets rid, let's click okay. It gets rid of all those effects but it's now kind of like a regular shape. So have a look at the appearance panel to what we ended up with appearance panel. Okay, so I've got a group with a bunch of stuff in it. I could now have it selected and go to ungroup and it's not gonna do anything because what happened when the patent maker was doing its thing, it created a mask. So what I can do is I can say over here, let's release that mask and they all kind of spill out and you can start working on them.
I wanna leave them in and what I wanna do is I want to go put you in the background here. So that's it for the repeat tool. I'm gonna style mine to look nice. Where did all this come from? That wasn't there before, huh? Weird.
I'm not sure where all that came from. Did you see where that came from? Uh, yeah glitch in the matrix. What I wanna do is kind of darken these down. So with this, um, this is interesting. So this appearance panel is kind of like maybe we added multiple fills to a rectangle.
You kind of can, but what's gonna happen? Look, I'm gonna add a new fill to this group and it's gonna color in my uh, contents. So I'm gonna undo that. So that kind of trigger's not gonna work. In this case what I'm gonna do is grab my rectangle tool and draw another one and they have to be two separate shapes just 'cause there's some complexity going on inside of that mask. So I'm gonna say you snap the edge and I'm just gonna lower the opacity here down.
Do, do, do, just to kind of make sure I can see my text on the top. Here we go. So I've got my black arrow, I'm gonna go you, where is it there? I'm gonna grab both of them by selecting just kind of like with my black arrow around both of these. I should get them great. I gotta group them just so they don't mess around and I'm gonna send them to the back using command shift, first square bracket next to the P key on my keyboard or that'll be command shift square bracket on yours.
That's my kind of like background pattern thing going on. Now I shouldn't have expanded my uh, grid because now I have no control over it. That was a mistake. I should undo a few times and keep it. Then you can still put the kind of darker box over the top just to dull it out. But there you go.
Repeat grid. Very similar to lots of other methods in Illustrator for making multiple ones. Pat make it very close to, they've just made a really simple version of it and often that's all you need. You just need to kind of repeat stuff around. Doesn't have to be a patents swatch and all the other business that goes along with the patent maker. Plus we don't wanna be copy and pasting this forever as well.
Alright, that is the repeat feature in Adobe Illustrator. I'll see you in the next video. Yep. I'm gonna make you make a website. I'll see you there for the class project.