Hi everyone. In this video we're gonna look at the graphic styles panel. Uh, we put a lot of work earlier on to kind of make our, uh, interesting appearance, okay, around our type and shapes. And I'm gonna show you now how to turn it into a template so that you can share it with others and you can in other documents, go you this little handy icon here. Bam. It's a way of saving and sharing all that work you did in your parents' panel.
Basically all it does is grab everything from the parents' panel, sticks it into a graphic style library, makes it shareable and reusable. Plus I'll show you all the really bad ones that are built into Illustrator. Alright, let's jump in and do some graphic styles. Alright? Create a graphic style. Uh, first of all, you need something selected that has the style that you want to pull from it.
Okay? We created this earlier. It's got a fill. It's got 1, 2, 3, 4 strokes on it. Can we have anything? Okay, as long as it appears in this appearance panel, it'll get added to the graphic styles library.
Okay? So with it selected, we're gonna go to a window, we're gonna go down to graphic styles. Open up that, okay. Often it's tied together with your appearance panel 'cause they're kind of one and the same. Remember, uh, earlier on, um, let's grab our regular lips tool. Earlier on I kind of drew something and the way to get styled from one, you know, everything from this appearance panel onto this new object, okay?
Was to grab my black arrow, click on this and drag it across. So basically it's just a little swatch. All we're gonna do is transfer that little swatch into the graphic style swatches. So to do it, um, I'm gonna select on it, okay? And I'm going to go to graphic styles and I'm gonna head plus. And there it is there.
Okay, it's just reusable. Now I can say, all right, I got some type, Very small type, okay? And I can click on my graphic style and it's a bit much for this type. There you go. Um, yeah, I've applied my graphic style to it. There you go.
That's how to create your own style and reuse it. You can send it out to other people. Let's say that I want to give this to other teammates, make it downloadable, is you can save your graphic style library. Okay? So it's nothing to do with the document really. It's to do with the styles library here.
So what I'm gonna do is clear out this library. There's, there's some default stuff in here I don't want included. So I'm gonna click on this one. Hold shift, grab this last one. I'm gonna grab them all. You have to have this first one.
It's kinda the default one. So I've selected all of those. I'm gonna hit bin and delete them. Now I've got just that style that I'd made. I can go to the Flyout menu and I can go down to save graphic style library. What I'm gonna do is I'm gonna call this one dance style.
I'm gonna put it on my desktop. It, it can live in the deep recesses of Illustrator on your computer. That's fine. I'm gonna share this with say other teammates. I'm gonna go to, uh, my desktop, I'm just gonna dump it on there. Dance style.
Okay, so what's happened now is I've got this separate library. How do I bring it up? How do I get other people to bring it up and use it? So we're all using the same style is watch this, if I go to a new document, you'll notice that my graphic styles of all kind of reset. So what I can do now is I can say, all right, I wanna load that style. I can go to that graphic styles panel, got a little fly out menu and down the bottom that says open.
This is weird, trust me. Go down here. Open graphic styles library. And right in the bottom says Open other library. Okie dokie. Let's go to our desktop dance style and click open.
And this panel appears, okay, this is a graphic style panel, okay? Like this one here, this is the one for the document. This is the one that I've loaded, okay? And I'm going to drag something out and then click on this and bam, we've shared it. You'll notice that if I undo it before I apply it, it's only in this style. And when I click on it, watch what happens to the graphic styles panel.
It applies to the one that I'm working on. Okay? So that's a good way of sharing it. The other way of sharing it, okay, is just to open the document. Because what we'll find is, let's have a look on the desktop. You'll see that Dan Styles actually Adobe Illustrator file.
So I can go to file open, okay? That's what people tend to do. So they file open, it's better to bring it in through the graphic styles. It's a bit cleaner, okay? But you can open the document, okay? And what ends up happening is you end up like this, you open the document and you're like, thanks Dan.
I've got a blank document. Basically the AI file has transported that style, not in the document but in its graphic styles library. There it is there. So try and use the file open, other library gain to see the panel or you can just open the illustrator file, open the graphic styles panel, and there it is there. So it doesn't really matter to get it from one document to another. Uh, you could go to this new document and go to the file open or with this open I can use this style and then just copy and paste the whole object.
So copy jump into this document. Let's actually make a new document. There's nothing in it. Hit paste. Can you see it comes along for the ride? Is that confusing?
There's two ways to one way to save them, okay? In your graphic styles library, okay? Go to file save and then to open them or bring them in from somebody else, either your own ones or the teammates. The best way is in your document. Go to this, go to open and go to other library and it will open up that separate panel Dan Styles. And then you get to use it.
But it is really common just to double click and open up the illustrator file and the style will be in here. You just think that with a blank page, which is a bit weird, but as long as you've got your graphic styles panel open, it should make sense. Ish. One thing before we go is your appearance panel. Sometimes you've applied lots of styles. Watch this.
I can go, actually let's look at some of the built in styles. They are bad man, this might update, but if you go to window and go to graphic styles library, there's some built in, you're like, oh, awesome, I'm gonna just use the image effects. Okay? And if I click on this and I go, bam, okay, it works. I just, I don't know, I'm not a fan of these. Okay?
They were made, I don't know, I think before I started using Illustrator, all these effects and nobody's gone and updated them, I'm hoping the next version of Illustrator will have these updated. Okay? But let's say you are missing with these and you're like, ah, that's lovely and I wanna remove them. Okay? Go to your parents' panel and you can go to this Flyout menu and say let's reduce snow. Let's go to clear appearance.
Okay? So it's kind of got no fill, no stroke, back to kind of uh, square one. And you end it with no fill, no stroke, just kind a way of tidying things up. Okay? I'm gonna give it a fill so we can see it. There we go.
You can go and have a look through the other, um, graphic styles libraries that are built in. Okay? Have a look. And I don't know, they disappoint me every time I go in. That's why in the next video I'll show you how to bring in other people's graphic styles. 'cause there's some ace ones around and I'll show you where to find them and how to use them.