Everyone. Let's look at something called a blending mode. What is a blending mode? It is when colors interact, when they overlap, watch this. Ready city. Cool, huh?
Okay. Where they kind of connect. We've got this blending mode. In this case I think it's overlay and it just means when they overlap something interacts the blend together called blending mode. We'll take it a little bit further and we'll make this kinda like Anaglyph effect where it's kind of 3D ish go the 1980s. Alright, let's jump in and learn what blending mode is and how to make it work.
Alright, if you wanna follow along exactly with me, you can open up blending modes oh one, but you can just type in text. I've put in like a little light tan background 'cause I think this effect looks cool against it, but you don't have to. And the other thing that might happen when you open the document is it might say, Hey, you don't have this font called abro fit face. You can sync it with Adobe fonts, okay? Or you can just use these ones here. I've outlined them down here just to make things simple for you if you don't wanna download them.
So we're gonna start with these two. I'm gonna make a copy of them. Hold down option, drag it down, alternate pc. And basically what we do is um, it won't work with black or white color modes. Need colors to blend. Okay?
So we're gonna go to this first one, okay? And we're gonna pick any old color, okay? So we're gonna go to our fill color. I'm going to go to my uh, color mixer. I'm gonna go to HSB 'cause that's the one I like and just mash away at this until I get something I like. Ooh, I like that.
And this one here, same thing again. I'm gonna mash away until I get something I like. Yeah. Cool. So I got two different colors. The way they mix is they need to overlap.
Okay? Like, sorry, at the beginning mines are kind of a super graphic, right? It's not meant to be totally legible, it's meant to have hints of the color in there, something like that. So I'm gonna go you my friend. Now you can use the appearance panel or the, the mini appearance panel over here. I'm gonna click on opacity.
So opacity has a special secret sauce. Normally you just use it to lower the, you know how SeeThrough it is fully opaque, transparent, okay? I want it to be completely opaque. So a hundred percent, but click on the word opacity and you've got this dropdown. We're on normal 'cause it's normal. But if you click on darken, ooh, cool.
A I love a little bit of blending modes. Um, sometimes it's called color modes. I kind of interchange between the two. But look at that. Now it depends on who's on top. If I grab this G and I right click it and I go to, I should use my shortcut.
Arrange bring to front. Okay, this is on top. He's normal so he's not doing anything. When this was on top, he was doing fancy stuff. So I'm gonna say you my friend, actually we're gonna go to opacity and we'll get the same thing if I go to darken, okay? And just work your way through.
Like they all do something differently. There's no like real like, oh you have to learn. It depends on the top color and the bottom color. Um, will depend on which one of these work well and, but black and white doesn't work. So don't think, oh I understand what color burn. 'cause it lightens.
This color doesn't always, it really depends on what you have selected, what things overlap. So just work your way through and just click on a few of them. I find in this case it's either darken, multiply, or overlay are really good Ones, okay? Depending on the colors. So I'm gonna go to quite like darken. There you go.
Look at us doing cool stuff. Now let's do that Anaglyph effect that you saw at the beginning. Okay, I'm gonna go here, I'm gonna grab you two Now, anaglyph, I don't know, it's a weird word. It's that kind of 3D goggles from eighties, nineties. Michael J. Fox Time, okay, where you went to the movies and it kind of looked 3D ish.
It's just a cool retro look. So what I'm gonna do is I've got this, I want two versions of it. So I'm gonna hold down my option on a Mac alt on a pc. I'm gonna stop saying that like we know Dan how to copy and paste. All right, so this top one here, okay, I want the specific colors, you can guess them, but there is like, I'm gonna go out to color adobe.com and I search the word anaglyph and then you're just looking for the one that fuels the right kind of anaglyph. There's no like a hundred percent rule on it, okay?
That's kind of more of a a visual style, quite like this one. Okay? So I'm gonna say, um, add to my library. I've got my, uh, where have I got my library picked for my illustrated advanced course? I'm gonna say I want you add to library hopefully over an illustrator. We should go to libraries.
I should pick my illustrator advanced. And there it's there. So I'm gonna say you are going to be which colors that one and that one. Okay. And I'm gonna overlap them. And the one that's on top, I'm gonna say you properties panel, you opacity you normal and go to multiply.
That's cool. I think I maybe need the blue color. Nah, that's awesome. Um, I'm happy with myself. Um, there you go. That is how to do blending modes and get colors to interact to do kind of funky stuff in Illustrator.
Imagine trying to do that with, I know the shape builder tool and kind of like outline it all and recolor bits. Blending modes are awesome. One thing you might find as well as before we go is let's say I add a third color. Okay? I'm not sure why I need two D's. Let's make it a P.
Okay? The GDP, I'm sure that's an acronym somebody knows. I don't know it, but I'm gonna go. You are going to be what color? A dark color. I'm gonna go dark.
So what you can do is you can say, all right, I like this. It's got the opacity of dark and I'm gonna pick, maybe multiply, but you can lower the opacity of it as well to kind of get other effects. So you don't have to just do blending modes, you can do different colors opacity along with blending modes to get some sort of cool stuff going on. D-G-P-P-D-G is one of those. Anyway, that's cool graphic, that's actually readable and looks quite retro and that is planning modes. Uh, that is it.
I will see you in the next video.