Hello, it is time to wrap text around this tasty donut. We'll even add this like really fake shadow down the bottom here. Super easy to do and a very cool effect. Alright, let's jump in and do it. Alright, uh, to start with, I've got some text, um, on the background. Just type it out now for this one because it's a bot more 3D than the ring.
Okay. There needs to be a bit more depth in terms of the height to wrap around. Don't spend too long here at this type stage 'cause the donut ends up wrecking it all and you end up coming back and forth between the uh, symbol that we make and the donut. But to get started with let's create uh, kind of a stack of them and then a few of them side by side like this. What I actually might do is get the donuts down the bottom here, just I'm gonna hold the option key down and hit my right arrow on a mac and that's alt, uh, right arrow on a PC just to get the tracking out. Does they kind of line up kind of.
And the big gap in here as well gets exasperated when it gets, um, exasperated, accentuated, ah, there's a word. It's none of those exaggerated. That's what I want and it's aspirated. Uh, so I'm gonna select all the bottom and hold my option and use my up arrow on a Mac. And uh, that's alt up arrow on a PC just to kind of tighten everything up. All right.
Now I'm gonna kind of make a stack of maybe 1, 2, 3, just guessing. When I say guessing, I've done this already and I figured it. This kind of works. So if yours is a little weird, uh, you might find that, yeah, you just need to go back and forth a little bit between this symbol part and what it looks like wrapped around the donut. Alright? Um, so with all sorts selected, we're gonna convert it into a symbol.
So it's open window. Let's go down two symbols and let's add it. What I might do as well is actually copy and paste it. So I've got another version always with the copying and pasting. First hit new symbol, give it a really good name. Okay?
Now the trick is to uh, create the donut. And the donut is literally just an aie for an ellipse. Okay, draw it out. I'm gonna pick, uh, color. We made the, uh, ring invisible earlier on. I'm gonna actually make this one darker 'cause I'm gonna try and keep it.
Actually, let's go a little bit darker. Alright, now to spin it into the donut, we just go to effect. Go down to 3D materials and there's one called 3D Classic. Let's go. The one says revolve. Okay, and instant, a tiny little donut, shiny donut.
Okay, the way to expand or contract it is this offset here. So I'm using my app arrow. What do I want it to be? I'm holding, shifting up to maybe about 50 and I hit enter, which closes it down. You can open it back up on my properties panel by clicking the effects. Okay, and that's probably good.
You can rotate it around. Do you wanna see the inside the hole, the donut or not? Okay, I like this kind of like overlap. Look, grab the side. We can adjust this afterwards. So stop messing with it Dan.
Alright, enough missing now just like the ring. Okay, wrapping it around. It's the same thing. We just go map out. But you can see the uh, the surface is different. Okay, there was 1, 2, 3, 4 for all the different sites.
Now it's just one continuous one that wraps around. Let's do the same thing. We say what symbol did I made? Uh, new symbol three. You can scale it proportionally by holding shift. This is where you might go back and forth with that symbol and go, oh, I might put two more rows in.
Okay, to get it to wrap around. That's probably what I'm gonna have to do because can you see over here it's got some big gaps. You can hit scale to fit, that kind of works, but you can see there's a gap there. Where does that gap come from? Can you see my symbol actually has, um, space down the bottom. Let's click Okay, I wanna show you, this is my symbol.
It's got this gap down the bottom that just comes because that's type. I go into my type, I go into the symbol by double clicking it. You see this type has this stuff down the bottom. You could expand it so you can get rid of that chunk at the bottom. What I'm gonna do is just kind of like fudge around it. So by that I'm gonna select on this go to 3D map and down to map art.
And you can see I kind of actually just drag it down further. It's only gonna uh, keep what's actually in that grid pattern. So you can drag your uh, symbol over that and you'll see it'll get rid of that gap. You can even like get it so it kind of half cuts off. Can you see that gap there? Okay, so I'm just gonna say Justin, nope, a little bit lower.
Want to connect really up. Here we go. I do like myself, uh, a donut. I am doing GR donuts. Yours is different. I know, but this is just a cool text effect and we've got some mad skills now and we're flexing them.
All right? Invisible geometry if you want. It does have a really cool look. Um, harder to read though. I might do one with and one without. Decide whether you want the kind of 3D shading or not.
Turn it on and off and there you go. What I'll do is, um, I'm going to actually change it from plastic shading to diffuse shading. I like this kind of like flat look. Let it's click OK. Um, let's say that it's just not quite right. We can go through and go into our symbol.
Either make a new symbol and rewrap it or you can go into the existing symbol and go, all right, what do I want to do? Maybe you want a bit of space between them. Maybe you want another level in here. So I'm gonna grab another level. Actually I might do it to all of them. So shift, click all these, grab another one of these.
Eric, you down. So I've adjusted my symbol. Now you said the thumbnail didn't instantly update, but if we go U uh 3D revolve, that looked like it updated, didn't it? Let's go to map out. Okay, it's adjusted in here. So I'm gonna have to go through, I'm gonna go to scale to fit and then do that little trick again worse and sneak it back out again.
If you update your symbol, you gotta like jump back into the 3D revolve to say, Hey, take another look. There you go. All right. I feel like that's a better kind of fit for the donut. There you go. I like it.
Now that old 3D doesn't have very good shadow. So what I'm gonna do is actually just grab in a lips and put it here. Okay? Pick an appropriate color like dark brown's good for me and I'm just gonna do a cheap one. I'm gonna go to effects. I'm gonna go down to blur and I'm gonna go down to good old gian blur.
Pick something appropriate ish and then probably play around with the opacity to get it kind of how I want. There you go. Look at us fake 3D but with bits of actual 3D donuts. Cool, huh? Just remember though when we are exporting, we looked at this earlier, is if I look at this, the 3D on, that's really good. But see the blur down here?
You can start to see the pixels. Can you see the giant cubes of blurring? So Remember when you are exporting, you can go up to effect, go to document RA settings and just check. Are you at 72 or you're at the nice high 300. So 300 if you're gonna export for print. If you're going out for digital or social, just leave it at 72.
Remember cranking this up makes quality better but it makes the machine run a little slow so I'm gonna leave my nas. Alright, so that's it. That's how to make delicious coffee donut shaped, uh, text in Illustrator. Cool, huh? A little bit of fake shadow going on. Alright, that is it.
I will see you in the next video.