Hey everyone. Hey, we are going to spin text round in this ring. This kind of like flat ring graphic thing. I like it. It's easy to do. Now that we've got some skills that we can stack together, let's jump in.
Alright, so I've got a blank document open with the hint of a gradient in the background for no good reason, just stick of white, stick of gray. Um, you need to type out some text. Doesn't matter what kind of text. All you need to know is that you need a few of them side by side to kind of wrap around the ring. It doesn't multiply it. You decide how many versions of this is going to be.
So I'm gonna have a, it's kind of a guess. Do it, test it, maybe make it again. I've already tested mine and about four works for my kind of lockup. I'm just gonna make sure they evenly space for no good reason other than it'll look better. Okay? So where we align, fly out menu distribute centers.
Okay? And now the trick is here we need to go to window. We need to go down to symbols. We looked at symbols earlier. One of the many use cases is that in this case where they're all selected, I gonna pretend like I give them names, but I don't just click. Okay?
It's kind of grab that and stuck it in there. We don't need this anymore. Okay? The, it's just like a weird trick to make this ring project work. It applies symbols around the edge. So we've got our symbol that's done.
Uh, let's grab uh, the ellipse tool, the aie draw out something. Now this works better when there is a stroke and no fill. Okay, so I've got a stroke and no fill member shift X toggles them. Okay? So stroke, no fill. Don't worry about what color it is 'cause it's gonna get removed.
You can keep it if you like. If you do wanna keep the color, make sure it's different from your text that you've used in your symbol. I'll just change it now. There we go. Yep, yep, yep. Cool.
Now we need to revolve this. Okay, we're gonna use the effect and 3D, we're gonna use the old classic 3D just works for this um, particular exercise. So effect 3D and materials and go down to 3D Classic. And we're gonna use the one called extrude. Okay? And preview should be turned on, okay?
Make sure it's on. Get yourself a position and don't worry too much about getting it. Uh, you can move this around in a sec. Let's add this thing called map art. It will map the art in our case, a symbol to the edge of this. If you have a fill on your um, circuit, it'll try and map it across the front, which is fine.
Okay? But we want that ring effect. So going up to symbol and there it is there. New symbol very well named. Okay? And actually what ends up happening is you've got a couple of different um, surfaces to map to.
I'm gonna clear that 'cause at the moment it's applying to the front of this, which we can't see. So I'm gonna clear that what you have to do is, in this particular case there's four faces. There's this face, there is the back face of this and then there's the inside and the outside of this ring. 'cause this ring has two sides. Go to number three in this case. Play around with the fourth one or the first one if you've got a fill.
But what I wanna do is I wanna say simple new art. Okay, that should be fine. Let's go to invisible geometry. And there it is there. Cool. Huh?
So you can have the keep the disc if you like. I wanna get rid of it because I want to be able to see the backside of this in reverse. And what I might do is I'm gonna scale to fit, scaling to fit. Can you see what it's done with my text? It's kind of stretched it out. You gotta decide how much of a type problem that is.
I'm gonna kind of just shrink mine down. You might play around with like how long the type is. Okay? So you might get rid of one of the um, Grenada donuts. This will come down to what text you use. But here you go.
We've basically got it. So there is a bit of trial and error. Uh, other things that we might do. You can hit shade artwork and what it'll do is it'll try and add darkness and lightness depending where the light's hitting it. I'll leave this on just for the moment. I don't want it on for my final, but let's click.
Okay. 'cause when I rotate this around, okay, just grab one of these edges. This is 3D and the space is kind of easy-ish. I like to grab one of these edges. You can grab just anywhere and try and drag it around. You end up in all sorts of place.
You see that um, gradient or at least the darkness and lightness depending on where the light's hitting it. Okay? That is under map art. And you can turn uh, shade artwork. I won't mine just being nice and flat. You wanna go further into that.
You can click okay and you can go down to the options. It says more options and mess around with where the light is hitting this thing. Can you see up to you? I'm gonna turn mine off 'cause I'm looking at kind of flat look. Now things you can play around with is, mine's quite thin. My extrude by default is 50 points.
Okay? If you've got like a Granada donuts stacked on top of each other, so you need some more height, you can increase the height. You can't really see it here. Oh, I went way too big. Let's go to something like this and I'm gonna go to map art just to show you the outline. Okay?
So I turn off invisible geometry. Can you see? You might need that width or that depth to have whatever graphic you need to fit in there. It's up to you. I'm gonna click okay. I should lower the extrude depth.
It doesn't really matter in my case, you know, I can't see it so it doesn't really matter. One of the things you can play around with is perspective. Ours is a zero perspective. So it's the back looks exactly like the front. But watch this. I crank this up just a little bit.
Can you see it starts playing around with the perspective. So it's click off. Can you see that? I'm getting a bit of distortion? Okay, you can play around with what you like. You have to adjust this then play with a perspective.
Oh, I wasn't gonna do it, but I quite like that. Now you will have to play around with like what words at the front, okay? And you can either mix around with a symbol or just keep spinning this around until you get one of the words kind of close to the front that you want. You know, I want mine to read Grenada Donuts. Alright? And that's gonna be it.
What I'm gonna do is I'm gonna leave that there. I'm gonna duplicate it because you can go back into it. Remember under effects or under your appear panel, you can open it back up. But I want this one. I'm gonna destroy it 'cause I wanna play around with the background colors and I wanna show you what a mess it creates. So if I could outline mode, command y, control Y, it's this kind of like weird disc that we can't really see anything.
I wanna be able to grab the letters and mess with them. So if I click on it, okay, over here we can go to expand shape, okay? Or we can go to object and expand appearance. Okay? And you kind of get the bits of it that's still kind of locked. Watch this.
That's kind of still locked. So I'm gonna hit Ungroup. Ungroup and then I'm gonna hit ungroup a million times. Still locked ungroup. All right, there's that shape. I'm gonna go command Y again.
So there's bits left over you. So that's all connected. I'm gonna have to ungroup that again. Ungroup. Um, you still connected? I'm gonna hit command.
G, G, G, G, G, G, G. Okay, that's control. G, G, G, G on yours. Just to say everybody ungroup, okay? And it's still probably not gonna be perfect. What do we got?
We've still got some stuff. Okay, so this one here looks like a clipping mask. I can see here it says release mask. Okay, we're kind of good. Are we there yet? Let's go.
You look, it's finally separated. So yeah, I leave this in because I don't know, it's just part of it. Okay, I'm gonna release mask when you're using 3D and any of these kind of like fancy effects. Often there can be just like lots of stuff left over. This bottom one's quite good 'cause it's kind of all the bits I need. These are all now individuals, so they're ungrouped.
So when I'm unpicking something I'll be mindful of like, oh, this is in a good group. So what I'm gonna do is release the mask, hold shift, click the outside so I've got everything in here and go group. Now I can delete that part. Do I delete that part? So I've got this and all of these are individual bits. So what I might do is select them all.
Actually it's coming outta this. Now all of that hoopla was for this. I want to be able to go, all of you hold shift, grab that group, the front bit, the back bit. I just want to grab my filter to the front, which is X to toggle it to the front. Click in here and I'm gonna say you are going to be just a darker version of that color. And the layer order looks good.
Look at us. We made a cool donut ring thing. Stacking our skills. We are using symbols. We learned way back in the beginning of the course, some of the older 3D effects. And we've learned sometimes things are just grouped and then grouped again, and then grouped inside masks.
But don't worry. But the powers of things like the outline mode and mashing away at the ungrouping, we can get it to do what we want. There you go. That is how the spin takes around in a ring. Is he gonna make us do a class project doing it? He totally is.
And I'll see you in that video.