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What is a sub mix in Premiere Pro

Daniel Walter Scott

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Hi everyone, in this video we're going to learn what a Sub Mix is. In this case we are going to create this Sub Mix, that happens to be marginally darker than his friends, run a couple of our tracks through it, and apply an effect before it heads out to the Master Mix, and off into people's eardrums. All right, let's dig into our Sub Mix. 

So what is the Sub Mix? Sub Mix is, well we've got this Master Mix, right? Everything runs through here - let's close that up. - so this, we've got three tracks, and they all run through this Master Mix, so everything has to pass through that. It's kind of like the final stop you can do, you can add effects, and you can adjust the volume, but let's say you want to do it to just a couple of tracks, that's what a Sub Mix does. 

I can create a Sub Mix, and say, just the background cafe noise and the music go through it, but not the dialogue, it's kind of like a Sub Mix or a little baby mix. The great one down here in this gray area, say instead of add a Track we 'Add Audio Submix Track'. It kind of appears down the bottom here, where is it? There it is, Sub Mix 01. You see, it appears here, how do you know it's a Sub Mix? It's like a tiny percentage darker than the rest of them, so slight, I don't know, seems like that in this room, at the moment, it might look darker for you.

Let's name this one, so this is going to be my "Reverb Sub Mix", because what I want to do is, I want, at the moment the music, both the music and the background noise are quite, you know, well produced, I want it to be, feel like it's in a room, have that kind of like echo, but not echo, it's reverb. So I want to pass it through this, so what we do is we say, you, instead of going through the full mix, the Master Mix, we're going to go through Reverb Sub Mix that we just made, and you, but not this one, we don't want the dialogue to go through, because we want her to be reverbed. 

So nothing really happens except that this has to go through the Sub Mix before it goes through the Master Mix. Think of it as like, it's from kind of cable days, where you plugged this into this Sub Mix, and this Sub Mix plugged into the Master, and then the Master was your output, maybe to your speakers. So these guys have to go through this now. So just as a little example, play it. - "I'm Madame Donut…" - If I turn this down, "and I own Donut Dynamite." those two are muted , because they have to go through the Sub Mix, So I can I can adjust the volume up. That track, for these two tracks, we're done. 

"Seven months ago, in the town of Waikudu." What I want to do is, first I want to move that in, so I can hear, there you go. "It's going quite well." What we're going to do is add an effect just to the Sub Mix, so up here, I'm going to find the Reverb; 'Reverb', there it is there, and I'm going to use this 'Convolution' one. That's pretty good for writing reverb, some pretty cool presets, double click it to open it, and there's some really cool stuff in here. "It's been really amazing how people…" 

You can kind of just keep this open and move it around as well to say actually, I'm still not-- I'm going to mute the dialogue, because I want to get this working first before I balance it. So I'm going to just increase the volume of it. So this on, I need more. Can you see, it adds that, like little reverb, sounds like it's in a room, I think we were trying to get rid of, in the last videos, and then you can work your way through here. I won't, you can have a look through these, I just want to point out the amazing, like, who decided that, you know, what we need, we need inside of a shower, door open, door closed, and like, medium sized cabin, not large, massive cabin. Well, what's a cave in a cabin? It's probably acoustically different. I just-- these are all like, I know that these are actually mimicked off actual, like proper situations, they're not just like, made up through somebody dragging the sliders, I think they've modeled with them on proper rooms. 

You can listen to them, they're pretty amazing. So I figured out, like, I was deciding between living room or living room with nothing in it, and they do sound different. So you've got some adjustments down here, you can play around with, but that's not the reason we're doing this, we're doing Sub Mixes, I've got my like empty living room, and it has it down now, and turn it back down, set it to 0. Now I'm going to bring in my dialogue again. "People keep coming in, so we keep making donuts." 

Now I'm going to play around with, in comparison, how loud this is. I've mainly used it to add that effect, but you can apply lots of different things to this Sub Mix. Where it becomes super useful, is let's say you've got dialogue across a couple of tracks, at the moment we've only got one track, or maybe there's sound effects, or, whatever you're doing, the same thing, it has to be on multiple tracks, because of videos and stuff. It means you can group up these three tracks, or these three audio tracks, through one Sub Mix, and apply the effect, or the fixing, or the correction, rather than trying to do them all individually per clip. 

All right, I hope that helped you understand what a Sub Mix is. Let's get on to the next video.