Hello friends, it is time. We're going to look at this free template from Adobe Stock. It's one that was created in Adobe After Effects for Premiere Pro. We don't need After Effects to actually edit it, we can do it within Premiere Pro. Just makes things slightly harder, call it medium hard. We'll do the adjustments, and we'll add that really appropriate music, look at it. All right, let's get into the video.
So let's create it, let's first, in our Project Window let's find-- let's duplicate V2. Right click it, this one, call it 'V3', and to tidy everything up let's close down V2, open up V3, slightly more cleaner. Just make sure we're working on the right version. You will figure that out, you will work on the wrong version, and break it, and there's no real way I can help you fix that unless you do it a few times. What we're going to do is get rid of the 100% Rad, we're going to go for a different music as well. Now the one we're going to work with, the medium hard one, is under your 'Essential Graphics', 'Browse'. Be on Adobe Stock and type 'travel', we did that a second ago. And in here, if I hit the full size one, the one thing that fit more in here if you don't want to go to that full size, is you can just drag the thumbnails down as small as they go, so you can fit two of them in there.
The other way as well, when you're in this view you can crank them right up. So you can get a good look at them. So I'm going to go low, hit my Tilde key, ' ~ ', and we're going to be using this one. I've already downloaded this one, have I? Maybe I haven't, not sure. It's got a tick next to it, so I feel like, when I was prepping for this course I've already downloaded it. Let me have a check, what is it called? Remember the name, Password Stamp. Go to my 'Templates', go to 'Passport'. I have it there, cool.
So let's look at adding it, it's pretty easy, drag it across. An interesting thing is to just check, in here, Motion Graphic Templates, News Intro is something that I did by myself, I deleted it, I'll delete it. You'll notice that this folder appears, and it's got an animation in here. Basically that's-- I know it's come from After Effects, because there's this kind of weird clip in here, and we'll also know, because of the Essential Graphics panel, can you see, it's really different from the other ones. So version-- let's have a look, version 2, that we installed, it has the exact same kind of look and feel to the Essential Graphics panel, that when we were working on it by ourselves.
Everything is customizable, I can click on everything and change everything, whereas if something's been made in After Effects first, and brought into Premiere Pro or exported for it, you'll notice that they've allowed us these controls, that's it. It's cool though, they've given us lots of good controls, but it's up to the good will, no, the good thinking or forward thinking of the person making this animation, and the restrictions of After Effects, to what actually goes in here.
Sometimes you download some, and it's got two sliders, you're like, "How do I change the color?" you're like, "You can't," because the guy didn't put-- or girl didn't put a slider in there, you're like, "Hmm." So let's look at working with it. Be prepared for it to be a little clunky-- clumsy. Just as when you're working with, After Effects kind of smooshed into Premiere Pro, but the effects are really cool. So I'm going to type, instead of Travel 100%, you notice how the text kind of appeared above it, rather than highlighting it. Just the way this works, or you can do it over here, can you see, 100% Tour.
What they've done as well is they've put a fake break in here. So if you're not sure how to-- let's click out. So on one line it's not really occupying this space very much. You can put a return in just to kind of break it. So I'm going to put 100%, and New Zealand. Cool. Oh no, I wanted-- New Zealand doesn't fit, and you're like, "Oh, how do I change that?" It depends on what they've allowed you to change. Is there some main text controls, is there-- I haven't checked this-- is there a, shadow size? There is no size for the font, there's spacing, but there's no size for the actual font, and you're like, "Well, just let me do it," and you can't from Premiere Pro.
You can start hacking the Mograph templates from After Effects, that's another course really, but in here what we can do is, I'm just going to do this. Work within the boundaries that I've got. That's always going to be the trade-offs, of using After Effects things in Premiere Pro. Let's look at previewing, I'm going to go through and change a few other things, but I want to show you the previewing because it's going to freak out. You ready? So we're going to play, and then it's going to go, and die. And it's only on half, stick it on full and you've got no chance.
Remember, this is a pretty good computer. So it's not going to play back nicely, but don't worry. We know how to pre-render, remember, it's just called rendering. What key on your keyboard do you tap? That's right, the return key. All right, and it's off, and, we're going to acknowledge the estimated time left, that never ever works, just keeps getting bigger and bigger. It's the opposite of useful. I don't think there's a-- ah, there's not a better program in the world, no operating system that doesn't have this ridiculous, may take 3 days, 7 hours, 2 minutes, 14 days. I'll get Jason to speed this along, go, Jason.
All right, we're back, and it's green finally. I'm not sure how long that took, I looked away, but now it plays beautifully, look at that. So that's one of the drawbacks, but you'll notice that, like-- you got to balance it out, because it looks really cool. Really swish, the animation's great, the easing is beautiful. There's all this lovely movement in it, but it takes forever to actually render, which is problematic, and the controls aren't that great, so how do you check? You can't, when you are looking through your kind of, like Essential Graphics, scroll to the top, go to 'Browse', you kind of just look at them, and go-- you know, check the kind of animation, and if it looks awesome, it's probably After Effects. Let's go back into 'Edit'.
The other troubling thing is we spend all that time rendering, and now we're going to have go do some changes. So this lovely green stuff, it's all going to disappear. So let's go and change the top. Let's do the bottom here, 2017, we're going to put in New Zealand, and see what fits. It doesn't fit, well, luckily there is some, so where is it? Semi-Annual. You see in this one here, Bottom Text Size, oh there's Bottom Text Size, so there might be Top Text Size, the whole time, I was ragging on it, Middle Text Spacing. Why can't I see Middle Text Size? For some reason there's Bottom Text Size but no Middle Text Size. And don't think, "Oh, maybe you can't do it," it's just to do with-- there might be some complication on the other side, whoever the author of this was, might have decided that there is no way to kind of make this work, and give them the option of doing Size without breaking everything, but bottom size, there might have been obviously a solution for it.
I'm going to lower the size, let's play with Scaling, we can play with-- hopefully we can play with the-- man, I want to play with, not the scaling, but the spacing, but no spacing there. I can change the color, and I guess I leave this here, because I just, you know, I just get frustrated myself, and I'm like, "Man, this would be good if they just did this one other thing," and that's why I end up jumping into After Effects, and just making my own stuff. If you are keen on After Effects, check out my After Effects course, but in this case we're going to use these sweet templates, and that's-- that's it for the adjustments. You'll notice that-- see the little red thing is gone.
A couple of things I want to cover before I go, one is, background color is-- yours is probably on, and mine's been turned off. You are like, "Hey, mine doesn't look like yours." So this Background Opacity, I'm not sure what yours is set to, yours might be set to black, so I just changed my color, I can't remember what it was originally. So you can click on the button, change the color, lower the opacity, just to see through it.
The other weird things is that there is no change of font. You can change what's in it but you can't change the font. It's kind of built into this Premiere Pro, into this After Effects project. Let's have a little look at what it-- so I've got it selected, let's have a look at Effects Controls. So it's pretty lonely in here. Basically it just lumps it in here, and says-- is there any kind of control? There is. Basically it's showing you, under this one, Graphic Parameters, it's just showing you the exact same thing as over here. That's how you used to deal with it, and they've made this sweet panel over here which is a lot nicer to use. So yes, there's not a lot of stuff we can do in here, but I guess the other thing it highlights is that, can you see lots of stuff is happening, lots of different animations. It's kind of moving and scaling, and text is doing stuff. It's because of all those different ways of controlling the scale and size.
So there are, I guess that's the reason once you get a bit more hardcore, why there's so many different controls for position, for different parts, then you get into more complex animations like this. Okay, medium, before we go though, a couple of-- just housekeeping. We need to do some housekeeping, look at it. It's atrocious, let's clean it all up, and I'm going to show you the way that I do, I get to a point like this. Generally when it's off screen, and I'm like, "I have to start sliding up and down." I get to this point, I'm like, "Actually, should probably fix this." So what you can do is, one of the weird things is, mine always defaults to Frame Rate, I'm not sure why, is it just me? I don't know, but often you want to stick it by name. So that might just help things, you might be like, "I can live with it a bit longer," but now I'm going to make a couple of bins.
So remember, we've got footage, I'm going to show you how I get it going. So 'Footage', 'Audio', 'Graphics', they all end up inside each other. Oh, I renamed something wrong. Let's do a bin, even. Bin inside of bins, I'll leave this in here as well, because if you're like, "Is it just me who does this?" nope, we all do it. So I've got three folders, and how I get them all in, where they need to go, is I'll do things like this, I need an mp3. So I'll grab all of you. I'm holding 'Shift' to select all of those, and going 'Audio', I'll grab you in there as well. For the footage, it's an mp4. It's not that hard, our one, because we don't actually have a huge amount in here, if I'm honest, I leave it go, I'll even a little bit longer, and the graphics is probably, this thing here is going to go in there. Now these, they can go into their own one, you might create one called Sequences. I generally just leave them sitting in the root directory. Depends on how many you have, but I generally just leave them there.
Next thing I want to do is bring in some audio. So I'm actually going to open the bin, and then go import, double click down here. The one I want is this one, this feels right. I kind of downloaded this one, I was like, "I won't use this one, this would be funny but I won't use it", but if you've ever been to New Zealand, ever been to maybe Northland or the Coromandel Peninsula, this is the perfect kind of music. Let me pre-render it first. I'm going to quickly cut back in here now just because, if you are frustrated by rendering, and it takes forever, I will show you how to kind of not do it by lowering the quality down here, but also rendering details, you can see how much time you've lost, how much you can't get back, and the other useful thing to know is that, to speed this up, basically you need to do two things.
You need lots of RAM, and there's two kinds of RAM you need. There's the regular old RAM, normally kind of described as, you know, you get 8, 12, or 16, 32, or 64 Megabytes of RAM, but there's also a RAM that's to do with your video card. So there's a video card in your laptop or computer, MAC or PC, and cheap ones don't have any, what's called VRAM, a Video RAM, and the really expensive ones have loads of it, and that can really help this rendering. So if you are getting serious about video editing, you want as much RAM as you can fit in your computer, or afford, and as much VRAM as you can.
Oh, it's done. The animation, the music, the slo-mo waves, I want to go back to New Zealand right now, find that beach, maybe do some fishing. That's what I want to do. Instead I'm in Ireland, it is winter, they say it's spring, but really it's always winter here. That is it for this video, we've tidied up, we've looked at a medium hard graphic template, that was free, that came from Adobe Stock. Let's get into the next video.