Hi everyone, we're going to learn how to grab gradients, and then apply them in Premiere Pro. See the background there, sweet gradient. Let's jump in and I'll show you how to add them.
Hi everyone, to apply a gradient we need to select something. In our case we're going to use this rectangle behind our little lower thirds. So I'm going to select on the clip, then I click on the actual rectangle itself that we applied. If you haven't got one existing what you can do is, you can have nothing selected, go over to here, 'Essential Graphics', go to this little turned up page here, and say, let's insert an 'Ellipse'. You can start from here. We're going to start with this existing one. Just have a random circle halfway through our clip.
So let's have it selected up here, down here under 'Fill', and it's this little drop down here, 'Solid', you need to have a Linear, which is left to right, or Radial, which is a circular gradient. Let's go with Linear Gradient for the moment, let's click 'OK'. You have to click 'OK' for it to apply. Now it's going to apply-- for some reason mine applies pretty randomly, but you've got these two little dots, these little dumbbell bar things. So one side is one color, and the other side is the other, and you can just move them around to get the angle you want, you might want them up and down. Go that way. Let's go and change the colors, so let's click on this 'Fill' again. Now to change the colors, is these two little swatches here. So if I click this first one, and drag the circle around, I can pick within the hue here.
To change the hue color, is this little, see these little chevrons here, drag it up, drag it down, let's say I'm going to go for an orange color, and I'm going to drag it down here. Click on this other side. Doesn't update live, which is annoying but, hey ho, I'm going to get down to another orange, and just pick like a darker version of it, and click 'OK' and I've got hideous orange.
Now I've lowered my opacity, earlier on, I'm going to turn it up. You can drag these around. Let's have a real quick look at Radial. Does what you imagined. It's like a circle in the middle, can you see it, well, where is he? There he is there. So this dots the middle, and this is the extent of how far it comes outside. A little circle, big circle. I find it's quite-- yeah, it's not going to-- it's up to you.
Another couple of things I want to show you is how to get colors, or color inspiration, and then get it into Premiere Pro. So there's a couple of places I go to. Grabient is one that I use loads. It's still around, which is good, might disappear in the future, just this random site that gives you nice gradients. So let's say you do like this kind of color grouping. You just click on these dots here, you're after these Hexadecimal numbers. So just, there's generally just six of them. You can have three, but all I do is, can you see I want to add it to this first little swatch here. Click in here, delete what's in there, and paste that, and that's that color.
Let's click on this other side, come back here, click on the pink. Grab that, we don't need the hash because it's kind of in there by default. I've clicked on that house, paste it in. I've got that proper gradient, but let's say you don't want-- there's not an official site, you just kind of discover it either on Grabient, or, sorry, either on Behance or Dribbble, there's a couple of good places. I just typed in gradient here, you don't really need to type it in, it's popular enough to like be, kind of through a lot of the art work here, and same with Dribbble. You might discover one, and go, "I like this, what's going on here?" So let's show you how to kind of steal it for Premiere Pro.
Probably the easiest way is, let me find something I want. Let's-- actually, I'm right there. Let's say you really like this kind of contrast, between this green and this purple here. So what you need to do is you need to open up Premiere Pro, kind of shuffle it over, you can grab the sides and just drag it or move it. Whatever you need to do to be able to see behind it, and do some sort of, like magic where you can see both of them. You might have to drag this this way, this this way, then click on your 'Fill', and if you move that other way, see the eyedropper here, you can say, this first little color, well, I'm going to click on it, and then click on this. It's a bit random, kind of randomly clicked, and it goes across, get the blue.
Let's click on the pink side here, 'Eyedropper', I'm going to grab the purple, and it brings it over. Does this work on PC? I'm not sure. Jump out-- give it a go. Let me know in the comments if it doesn't work. If it doesn't work, another way to do it, another way that I use, is-- where are we? Is I got this little plug-in for Chrome, it's called Colorzilla, if you go to the Extensions Manager, either using-- I'm using Chrome, you might be using Internet Explorer, actually they don't call it that anymore, do they? Edge, I think it is, and you could find a plug-in, and it just does the similar sort of thing, wander around, pick a color, and it tells me up there what my Hexadecimal number is.
Anyway that is how to do gradients in Premiere Pro. I'm now going to go change it from Radial to Linear, and mess about with it to try and-- it always looks better on somebody else's work. To get rid of the lines, here we go; what do I think? Yeah, I think that, but we learn how to do gradients. Let's jump into the next video.