Hey everyone, in this video we are going to make this. Some background music, some images, some cross dissolves. Look at that. Making images into videos. It's a few little shortcuts, and tips & tricks in this video too. If you're looking at it and it seems a bit simple, hang around, there's a couple little nuggets of goodness in there, let's jump in.
So let's turn our images into video, let's go to 'New Project', this one's going to be called 'Car dealership'. We've been asked to make a video, that plays on a TV that is in the showroom of a car dealership. It's going to loop over and over. So 'Car Dealership', we're going to put it inside our 'Exercise Files', under 'Images', and 'Project Files'. We're going to click 'Choose', we'll call this one 'V1', and click 'OK'. I'm making sure my Unicorn window, just to kind of reset everything, go to 'Reset to Saved Layout', everything should look nice again.
Let's bring in our footage, double click in the dark area. 'Exercise files', 'Project 7', and we're going to bring in, there's nothing in Footage, there's this chunk in Graphics, and there's a chunk in Audio. So bringing in those two. Just keep things tidy. Cool, we're not going to drag our image to the Timeline, because it will create a sequence that has-- it's not quite right, it's creating the sequence that matches my photograph. In photographs, we talked about Aspect Ratios earlier on, remember when those blew our mind, and we were like, "Oh, 4 to 5." Instagram, man, that was hard. It's even worse for photographs, their Aspect Ratios are crazy.
I've kind of listed out the basics. So normally photographs are done in inches, it doesn't really matter where in the world you are, for some reason, and you can see these ratios are 1.5 : 1, 1.4 : 1, they're just weird ratios. So they never match video. So what you need to do is create a sequence on your own. So it's a little turned up page, I'm going to create a 'Sequence'. We've done it a few times, the good default HD, and how do we know it's HD? I actually called the person in the showroom, and asked them what kind of TV it was, and he said it was an HD TV.
So I made sure before I started designing it. You got to decide whether it's UHD or HD, I'm obviously lying, this is a made-up job, but you need to really make sure if you're doing something like this, you don't design it for the wrong size. So he read out the details, I checked online. Just get the make and model of it, just to make sure. I've decided it's HD, and I'm going to use this 25 frames/second. The sequence is going to be called 'Car Time, it's not Time Lapse actually, that's technically not right, it's just a Carousel-- Carousel, is that close? If you've done any of my other course, you'll realize I can't spell, it's just not in there, it's probably bad, I'm going to say that's right.
So we've got our Car Carousel, I'm going to delete that original-- I made a sequence. It's probably ended up inside of Car, there it is there, go away. So now we're going to add some of our cars to the Timeline. Let's have a look, so Car 1, we'll start with. You just add it to the Timeline, you'll notice that it's, in this case way too big. They're all going to be different sizes. We can't really use our trick now, I'm going to zoom in on my Timeline, we can't use our All Set trick, because it works, but it's got bars either side. It's like the anti letter box, anti cinema bars, because it's just the wrong Aspect Ratio.
So what we're going to do is just scale it up a bit. So we're going to go to 'Controls', we're going to go to 'Scale', and we're going to scale it up to-- I'm just going to drag it to the right. You kind of need to break it, right? It kind of just doesn't want to go, doesn't want to go, and then kind of starts launching, if you find that f