Class Project 09 – Parkour
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Jakob Hammelehle
Here is my parcour video :) I did a short video was fun
P Dhanunjaya
Phillipos Mazaris
Tim Butler
Here is my submission for Class Project 09 – Parkour, I took some inspiration from the 90's film La Haine which was in black and white and featured a lot of hip-hop and break dancing. I used a glitch logo template for the intro, then I used some b-roll stock footage of New York to fill in any holes. I tried to give the piece some structure and dynamics by using a fairly downbeat lo-fi hip-hop song for the introductory sequence, keeping the video cuts fairly long before cutting to black and white and some breakdancing music for the parkour sequences where I went a bit mad with the fx transition templates. To segue out of that, I came back to colour with a warm LUT and used an uplifting trip-hop song to bring the pace back down while the narration talks about motivational stuff. Basically, the goal was to give the overall piece a three-act structure with a quiet-loud-quite dynamic to it. I hope that explains it...
Shiraj Udin-Sloan
Here's my submission for this project. Tried to extend this song a bit and hide the repeating parts as best as possible. Wanted to bring out the best of Armin's dialogue and how he pitches free-running, while also letting the parkour speak for itself. Played around with alternating speeds, so its at regular speed while Armin is on the ground and slow's down when he's in the air, giving a look of explosive momentum.
Margarita Danilov
Class Project 09 – Parkour: Decided to play around with colors that are less saturated, felt like it helped the mood. Used color correction and LUT's. I created the title animation in After Effects (followed a tutorial). I was concerned that I made the interview part not that interesting, but I ended up liking it, so hopefully it's not boring to anyone who's watching. I hope that the backwards effect is not too out of place, but I tried to do anything possible to extend the parkour parts, because there isn't that many videos, and I liked to tune that I used:)
Charlotte Hope
My parkour video! To be honest I really struggle with thinking how to do things and be creative with it, I loved the video of dan talking us through the music to go big in time with the jump, but coming up with my own ideas and something different just isn't in my brain yet. Ive adjusted the colour to try look like its an old school video by messing with the colour grading and LUTs, and changed the videos of other people doing parkour to black and white to look like a flashback! I've tried to relate the videos with what he's actually talking about doing in the interview too, like flips and Above All. Hope this is okay!!
Olutosin Akinwumi
Camilla Cambieri
Kelly Laughton
In this project I edited the best dialogue from the interview, added color grading, transitions, custom B-roll, music and a lower thirds title. I struggled a little bit cleaning up the diaglogue because there was alot of mumbling to try to edit in between words. I also had a little bit of a hard time with the motion graphic lower thirds title that I downloaded online because a lot of the colors were hard to see over his shirt so I moved it to the left side as a compromise.
Emily Pierce
Charles Smith
Fun project. Didn't really run into any serious problems. Used b roll over city from envato.
Tian Van Den Berg
Another fun class project. feedback welcome.
Oliver Cook
Screenshot of my sequence from editing the interview. Added the branding with the logo to the opening shot of the camera panning around. Used lower thirds shortly after with their name and where they're from. Used two music tracks with the more intense track coming in with the flip over the wall before returning to the original track for the rest of the interview. Added in B-roll footage including the clouds. Colour graded the entire video using an adjustment layer and added the Editstock credits at the end. Didn't encounter too many problems apart from having to restart Premier Pro several times due to low system memory (hence the screenshot).
Preslav Dobrev