Hi everyone, this video we are going to put in some stock footage. It's this landscape version that we all know and love, but we have to try and squeeze it into this, really weird portrait shape that Instagram stories want. So we're going to add some keyframes, watch this. We're going to focus on here, and then we're going to move across. "… Premiere Pro Essential course. If you want to be the first…" Look at that, just to get a bit of best use of this footage. All right, let's jump in and do it.
Let's bring in our video, I've got mine on my desktop, under 'BYOL', 'Footage', and number '2 - Girl Editing', yours might be under your Exercise Files, under 'Project 4', and go to 'Footage', and go to '2 - Girl Editing'. Let's import it, and a couple of things I want to share with you. One is that I can see that there's video and audio from this icon. Can you see this original one here, just has the video, no audio with it.
Remember if you're on thumbnail view, that's fine, we're going to-- I just work in this view, from-- that's what I do, but what you can do is you can double click it, to open in the Source Monitor. The other thing to remember, if you double click the word, it renames it, got to double click the icon, will open up in the Source Monitor. Remember, the Source Monitor is just the Preview window, nothing's on my Timeline yet. If I click on the audio track, that's kind of like-- it happens quite a bit where, video, that never had any audio just gets exported with an audio track, even though there's nothing on it, so you end up with a lot of that. So I don't want the audio, I just want the video part, so I'm going to drag this thing over. So I could drag, I'm going to drag it and trim it.
The other thing I want to point out about this video, is you can see, we're at the beginning here, somehow it's not 0, you're like, "I haven't even played 38 seconds, sorry, 38 minutes, 2 seconds, and 18 frames." That's the beginning, why isn't it 00:00:00? It's because this original footage was part of a very long tape, and it was recorded for a long time, and this little snippet's being cut out, and exported for us to use, as stock imagery. So that happens quite a bit, I know it's-- there's a lot more, I don't have it, I can't get it, but it's just kind of set the time code, it goes into the metadata of the mp4. So when it gets moved around it still knows where it was in that larger tape.
So you might get some stuff, like this Ink thing here, this Ink thing, starts at 00:00:00. That's because the original footage was just cut there and reset to 0, whereas this one, where is he, started at 38, 38 minutes. That just happens. So what I'm going to do is I'm going to drag the whole thing on, but just the video part of it, not the audio, and I drag it here, you'll notice that, "Oh, doesn't fit." You're like, "What am I going to do?" So it does-- it's the right kind of size, as in it's 16 x 9, but we need it the other way around.
Obviously I'm not going to go through and rotate it, you could rotate it around, benefits. That's not what I need to do for this Instagram story. What I need to do is scale it up, so I'm going to scale it up. It's not perfect, like obviously I'm losing some resolution, but for an Instagram story it's going to be fine, in my humble opinion. So it'd be great to find 4K footage, or UHD footage that we could use, but we don't have it, so we just scaled it up by nearly double.
So where are we going to crop it to? I'm going to start it with her face, because the format's such a weird format, that I want-- I can't really see the screen so I'm going to animate it at the time. So I'm going to start it with her here. Now actually, how much of her are going to be in it? Let's have a look. So what we could do is, let's double click it with our Selection Tool, just to give us a sense of how big this thing is. Can you see, it comes all the way out here. You might have to zoom out a little bit, just to see, there's actually quite a big chunk. Now you can either drag it with the Selection Tool, because there's nothing really else on the Timeline. So this is actually kind of safe, or you can, again, remember, position it using this.
I'm going to start it with the girl, and then after a little while - "… nearly ready…" - I'm going to animate the video, so that slides over to here, so I can see the screen. It's like doing a pan with a camera, because I got all those extra stuff. So how far along? "… nearly ready, I am right in the middle of filming my Premiere Pro Essentials course…" About there, I'm going to animate it across. So just like we did with text, the same thing with video.
Let's start out little stopwatch, to say, at this point it's going to be here, but then in a little bit of time I want to move it. I can either use my Selection Tool, double click it, move it across. If you are moving it across, you can hold down 'Shift' key on your keyboard, and it will lock it in left to right as you're dragging it, or just use this, and say, you, so I want to get the camera kind of facing the editing that's going along. "… Premiere Pro Essentials course. If you want to be the…" I'm aware that's not Premiere Pro in there, but this is the stock library footage I could find. Let's do it fast. "… Essentials course, if you want to be the…" So at 2 keyframes, and they're probably too far close to each other to start off with, then I'm going to select them both, 'Temporal Interpolation, I'm going to 'Ease In' to both of them, and then I'm going to 'Ease Out' of both of them, just to get a little bit of -- "… Premier Pro Essentials course, if you want to be the first to know when it's ready, swipe up and pre-register." Kind of getting the best of both, and probably it's come across too far, because the actual raw footage is panning as well.
So what I'll do is go back and edit one of these keyframes. Now the trick is with the edit controls, remember, while I'm dragging this, it's best to hold 'Shift' so that snaps to the keyframe, so that when I'm adjusting it I'm not kind of getting close, and adjusting it, which gives me an extra keyframe. I'm actually holding 'Shift', snapping to it, so it's actually at the keyframe, and what I'd like to do is move it a little bit further that way, because the camera's moving. You keep setting keyframes and move it over a little bit more, maybe I'll do that, we'll get to-- let's tuck it up at the end.
So I'm going to hit backslash, ' \ ', backslash, it's going to snap to my unmoving marker, and when it gets to here it's still off, remember, right? So I'm going to get to go to the end here, snap to the end, it goes blank. For some reason the last keyframe is kind of like just past where I need it to be. I'm going to go back one frame, which is your left arrow on your keyboard, just to come back one. For some reason, kind of drops off at the end, even though I've got the clip selected, anyway. So I'm kind of here, and I want to do some, bit more adjustment. I'm going to drag this. So it's kind of on screen, so it's going back, that's playing loads, then it moves across to my-- let's have a look.
It's playing loads, looking at the girl, then jumps across to see the computer, then because the computer moves, I move the slight animation to kind of keep it on screen. "It is going to be loads of fun." So that's animating our Timeline. We've kind of-- it's really hard to use this portrait Instagram story size, and it's going to be a few tricks we'll do later on, on how to fill it up, but in this case we just scaled it up, which is technically not a great thing, because the quality gets a bit stretched, but that's what we have to do for stories, because we don't have a lot of portrait stock photography to work with, or stock footage. So we just animated it, so it moves from there, and moves the focus across to here. All right, that's it, let's get into the next video.