Hi everyone, this video we're going to look at an effect. It's Orange & Teal, which are off. Looks fine, Orange & Teal is just a really kind of a popular Filter or Look, or Color Grade at the moment. Call it Orange & Teal because it's got orange and teal bits in here. There's another one we do; off, that's the original footage; on, just gets a little bit of, I don't know high fashion or retro awesomeness. Same with this one; on, off. This one here, clearly something retro, but yeah, that's what we're going to be looking for in this video.
Those are the examples, I want to quickly show you, just some other, like it happens a lot in photography as well. We do it in the Photoshop Essentials course. And just, this is kind of, this one here is probably my most exciting example of it. You can see before and after. I'm just looking at other people's kind of work through Google images. You get a sense for the feeling of it, that's what we're going for.
Some movies use it, like the latest Blade Runner, has a very, like they've kind of, not overcooked it, they have, really embraced orange and teal as a video, kind of color grading, you can see it, it's quite "Matrix'ey, but the new Blade Runner has it all the way through. You can kind of see this orange and teal going on through it. Let's have a little look at-- say with one of the latest Transformer movies. You can see here,it's got a very, like, it's not subtle, they've gone, they've gone all in on the Color Grading there. You can see some of these examples.
All right, that's Orange & Teal. Stop waffling, show us how to do it, Dan. All right, to add this effect, it's pretty easy. We have-- you might have been wondering why this footage was in here; today's the day. So underneath-- in your 'Project Panel ' you'll find under 'Footage', there's one in there called Orange & Teal that I've been ignoring. This is just for this particular exercise. Why? Because you can apply it to this Wedding one, we will, but it's just not the right footage for it, and doesn't give a really nice effect.
So I want to show you like, A, give you the best footage to give you a great effect, but also explain that doesn't work on every bit of footage. So Orange & Teal, what we're going to do is, using our Experiments let's drag in, what have we got? We've got, this one's got audio, let's drag in the first two. Not organized, you can see mine's got 3, 2, 1, 4, random. It's organized by Frame Rate, so I'm going to hit 'Name', so that they're in 1, 2, 3, 4, happens all the time. We're going to drag in two at a time. I've clicked the first one, held 'Shift' to click the second one, watch this. Two at a time. Oh, does it fit in there? It does.
I'm just kind of separating this out for no reason, other than these just little experiments. So works really good on 'beach'ey scenes, I feel. So with it selected, your Lumetri Color Panel open, go to 'Window', 'Lumetri Color', if you can't see it, we're looking for this one called Color Wheels & Match, and it's pretty simple. You want to do the shadows first, highlights, and their midtones. Shadows, there's this little target in the middle. All you want to do is kind of click in this sort of area. Even in this dark area you'll notice it just kind of moves. You can drag it, it's painful to drag for some reason. Ah, I'm dragging it really hard.
So you can just click anywhere and it will jump to there. We've done the bottom right. Highlight's kind of in the top left. So you want to get this down into this Teal range, and you want this up into this kind of like, gold orange amber color, you can already see, it's got that effect. Midtones will depend on your image, sometimes I don't move it. Does it need it here? This one I'll actually just click a little bit up there, is that better? Little bit down there. Depends what you want to do. There's no like official-- it will depend on the footage, and how much you want to apply this thing. It's the basics, let's turn it off and on; off, on.
You can see it's got that lovely glow, I feel like we're in Miami. I have no idea where this is, but, I've never been to Miami, but feel like we're there. Let's have a look at some other footage, the second one called Coffee. It's a fine-- finally, you know, composite image. The rule of thirds have been applied. Just kind of occupying this space, that's great, let's add that effect. So with it selected, remember, down here, up there, and then something in the middle.
I always find this effect works really nicely when you go up to Creative, and look at Faded Film, just kind of add that a bit as well. Gives it that retro-- man, look how good it is. It's up to you, there's no real, like an official look. You're going to find it, and you're going to go, "All right, that works for me in my situation", because I actually went out and found footage that work really good with this. I trialed a couple of things, it didn't work, and I'll show you that in the Wedding one at the moment.
The other thing you might do is, under the 'Color Wheels', let's play around with the intensity here. Crank it up, lower it down, depends on-- there's no right or wrong way as well, just to kind of get a sense of adjustment. I feel like mine's fine as it is, this one here, just a little tweaks. All right, let's have a quick look at the one that doesn't work. This one here, my vignette, there's nothing wrong with it. First of all I want the dramatic vignette, and the Color Wheels here, I'm just going to show you like, you, you, then something going on, it's cool, and it's very like my-- one of the Looks that we had earlier. Looks like Bleach.
Obviously this is one we can customize a little bit more, and it's fine, there's nothing wrong with it. I just feel like it's not very, like if-- it's not very clear what it's doing, it's a Color Cast. It's Color Grading, just not that hard core. I guess what I want you to do is, you'll see people's tutorials online, they'll go like, "Do this," and you look at their example, and you're like, "My God, that's awesome." And you go off and do yours, you're like, "It's okay, but just not quite right." It very often has to be Miami pictures. If you're doing, I don't know, selling houses in Miami, or tourism in Miami, this is only going to work.
All right, these are like our little micro class project. So what I want you to do is there's another two options in here; Orange & Teal 3 and 4. I just want you to drag them to the Timeline, and on your own, someone's got some audio, you can delete that, it doesn't matter, I don't think it says anything, or has anything in it. This one is pretty heavy color cast already. You can kind of see, but have an experiment with this one. Have an experiment with this one just on your own. I don't need to see your results. There's no like homework to do, I just wanted to give you some stuff to play around with. You can go download your own, obviously, look at your own footage. Play with a bit of Orange & Teal. Remember, Faded Film is a little bit of secret source, to make it look even better, but yeah, all right, I'll see you in the next video.