Hi everyone, in this video I'm going to show you how to get Premiere Pro rocketing along nice and fast, by making everything green, not yellow, not red, but green. Green is good, yellow is okay, red is bad. To make things all green we're going to have to look at something called Rendering. Okay, what is this Rendering business, I call it Pre-rendering all the time, because I feel like the final export is rendering, but it's not, in Premiere Pro they call this rendering where we, kind of, at the moment, it's something that's running really slowly, running really badly. What we can do is we can render it inside of Premiere Pro, just temporarily so that it runs nice and fast.
Now I need to introduce you to the colors. You've seen them up the top here, and you're probably like, "He'll get to that eventually." We are, we're here, so green, green, yellow, red. Green means go, it means that it's actually, I've already done a Pre-render, I've done a Render and it means that it's ready to go, and Premiere Pro guarantees, if it's green it's going to play back up here, and hit 'Spacebar'. It's going to play this back without any problems, not a problem at all. Yellow means I'm not even going to pre-render but I can guess, that it's probably going to be fine. Yellow means don't worry about rendering it, it it'll play back fine, trust me. That's not always true, and I'll show you how to get around that. Red means you've got no chance, no chance of actually getting this thing to render, or play back nicely.
Premiere Pro recognizes that you've applied an effect, like this noise here, and it's like, "Um, probably not going to happen." And for me at the moment-- let's go up to high quality, full quality. It's thinking about it. It's doing pretty good, it's a little bit jumpy. So those are the three colors. I'm going to show you how to change them. The easiest way really is just to hit 'return' key on your keyboard. I've said this in previous classes, people are not sure what I mean. That's the return key, that's the enter key. That's kind of the return and enter key. That's the one we want, with the little arrow on it, look down your keyboard. You might only have that, you might have one that looks like this, it has 'return' on it. Sometimes it says 'Enter' as well. That's the key I want you to hit on your keyboard, when you're in Premiere Pro, I'm going to do mine; ready?
This thing appears, on the wrong window. What you'll notice is that, first of all my poor computer is, trying its hardest to render it, which is perfect, it takes a bit of time. So it's only a cure all if this works for you. So let's play this out and see how it goes. What it's doing is it's rendering right at the beginning of my Timeline, and working my way through everything. Now you might only have a couple of things on your Timeline, and it's going to-- you can see that one's gone green. Let's have a look at this one, this one's going to go green in a second, once it's finished rendering it. It's going to skip the yellow ones because it's like don't worry, be fine. Eventually this one will go green. I'll speed it up until it goes green.
Hasn't gone green yet, I just want to acknowledge this thing. Never works on any computer ever. I'm not sure why they bother putting it on there. It's like 2 minutes, 2 hours, 50 seconds, 30 minutes. Back to the rendering. All right, we're back, it's green. So it's rendering some stuff, takes a long time, which was the noise grain on the ?? here. Everything else it's going through, and you can see it's already green here while I'm talking. Oh, it's already partially through this one, and it's going to work our way through the whole thing. I'm going to let it get to the end, I'll see you in a second.
There you go, and it plays all the way through. So what it's done is, anything we applied effects to, and in our case we added the noise effect, it's gone through and pre-rendered it. What it means by that is, let's check out your hard drive. Now wherever you've saved your Premiere Pro file, at the beginning of this course you might have saved yours somewhere random, I've saved mine under Project 2, in the Project files, and there's the Premiere Pro file. You'll notice this thing has now appeared, it wasn't there a second ago.
So Premiere Pro previews, and in here are literally mp4s or mpegs that have actually been created, to replace this footage, so that plays back nicely. So if I open up this one, can you see, it's not a video with an effect on it anymore, it's literally the finished product. So that's what it's gone and done. It's basically gone to 'File', 'Export', and exported the little individual bits, then put them back on the clip, and it's there so that when you hit 'Play' now, I can hit 'Play', and we'll play back at real time, I can look at it. I can do adjustments over here. I can go to this one and say, actually, don't like that, I'm going to turn the Look off.
Actually it's not creative, I did it in the Color Wheel, so I'm going to turn that off. You'll notice I can go back, I can still hit 'Play', this one plays, it doesn't like re-jig everything, it just keeps the bits that it knows it hasn't changed, and I can adjust these things. So it does make-- you might have to do it every now and again just like, every time you go to the toilet or go grab a cup of tea, click on 'return', and let it render while you're out just so that when you come back, everything's kind of running a bit smoother and faster. That's called Rendering.
Now these files can get a little bit big. So you can go through and actually just grab that whole folder, and delete it if you want. It's not essential to the course, it just means, that obviously it's going to play a little slower if you go and delete them. So if you are struggling for hard drive space, delete all the renders when you don't need them.
One of the cool things about them though, is that you've spent all that time doing the rendering, and when I go to File, Export now, 'File', 'Export', I go to 'Media', what it's not going to have to do is go through and add all the - let's say this one here, let's 'Cancel', - this effect with the Noise Grain, it's not going to have to go back and do all that again, it's already done. So it means that when I go to 'File', 'Export', it's going to go heaps faster because I've already got my render files done. Let's have a little go, let's stick it on to the 'Desktop'. Do as I say, not as I do, don't jam everything on the Desktop, but if I go to 'Export' now, yes please, I want to replace it. It will go super fast because it doesn't have to go through and render out these bits.
All right, that's super fast by the way. There is actually a more official place to delete them if you want to clear them. Under 'Sequence' you can go to this one that says 'Delete Render Files', and that will go and delete them all, instead of you manually going and finding them. Now let's talk about what happens, it's green at the moment but watch this. I'm going to do something a bit smaller, which was red? That was red, what do we do to that one? Yeah. I'm going to turn my volume down. This one here had Noise, first of all I'm going to make it smaller. You can see, it's adjusted it. So it's gone red, or-- I'm going to undo that, if I go and change it, and I say, actually, the noise amount is only like 1% more, 31 instead of 30, it goes back to being red because it's like, "Oh, can't use that old render, gotta do it again."
So render when you kind of got parts that, I guess, you're not going to be changing loads. It will just make your computer play back the footage a whole lot faster in real time, but again now, because a lot of them are rendered, I was going to make this one teeny tiny. just to-- Where is it? Maybe not that tiny. A little bit bigger, because that's the only one that's red, if I hit 'return' on my keyboard now, oh, it's racing on the other screen, there it is, it's racing. Cool, huh? So it's only going to render that part of it. Now you're going to ask, "Can I render just this bit?" So let's say that we do go down here, and you're like, "Actually I make a change to this." So we've made-- let's make a change to this one, and that one's all fine, I'm going to change this one a little bit. Just by dragging the end. It's going to go red again, is it not, it doesn't need to, because it's just a Lumetri Color effect.
How do I change it? I'm going to go and make you, intensity. It's gone back to being yellow. This one here, this one here has some grain on it. It has something going on, let's change the color of it. It's gone red, but let's say I'm working on this, and I've trimmed it up. Goes red, I don't want to have to render all of this, that stuff, that stuff there, I just want this bit to play back in real time, please. All you need to do is select it, so have the clip selected, and then go up to 'Sequence', and you can see this one, says, 'Render Section'.
So just the bit you have selected. You can select more than one thing at a time. It's going to render, here it goes, just this little part here, and I'll get it to zoom along. All right, it's done, you can see just that little bit of screen, and the stuff back here, that is still red is left all by its own. I hope that gave you a bit of a recap of what rendering is. Easiest way, go to the toilet, hit your 'Return' key, not your Enter key, and it will do this while you're away. You'll come back and everything will just be nice and rendered, so it will play back nicely. And other than working in the freezer or buying a new laptop, which were ridiculous suggestions in retrospect in the last video, the easiest way to get Premiere Pro to start working fast again.
Remember, green means guaranteed to go, yellow means probably going to work just fine, don't worry about it, and red means no chance of playing back at real time, and when I say real time it means like it will do when it's exported. It's going to be a little bit jumpy and jittery. It won't on Export, just previewing within Premiere Pro, and it's normally because of the effects that you've done in the Effects Panel. Normally nothing to do with Lumetri Color because it's just a subtle change. All right, my friends, let's get on to the next video.