All right, we're back, what I forgot to do was, we got everything in there, figured out how to get free music, and didn't actually add it. So I used that track here, just to kind of create the sequence. I'm going to delete it off my Timeline, and add the music.
So in Audio-- this is where the Source Monitor is going to come in a lot more handier, is that if I-- I don't want to actually add it to everyone, to kind of pick the audio that I want. I can just double click it here, it opens in the Source Monitor. I can make sure my Playhead's kind of where I want it to be, and we're going to hit 'Play'. Double click this one, hit 'Play'. Ah, that one's good too, this one. I found some very, well I-- what I like is, very appropriate wedding, getting ready music. They're all from YouTube, those ones. So that you don't have to go and find your own, totally. Go have a look at the free stuff or the paid stuff, and get your own music for this, if you hate the music selection I've done, but for the moment I'm going to use Blizzards. I'm going to double click it, I've previewed it, and I like it.
How do I get it down to here? I could just drag it across here, that's fine, but I want to, I guess, get you some experience with the Source Monitor. You can see, this particular clip here has no video, and only has audio. So you can drag the audio part down here. And why won't it go up the top? Because everything above here is V1, V2, V3, it's video. Everything down here, A1, A2, A3 is the audio. So I'm going to drag it down here.
All right, next thing we're going to do is, close down Audio, we're going to look at Footage, and we'll open up Cam A, and we'll start with this first one, we're going to double click it, because now we're not sure, like the last ones it was very clear, we're going to drag them all onto the Timeline, but in this case we have no idea what we're going to use. We've filmed a lot of different things and we're going to decide what to keep. We're going to use A003. What we're going to do is a real rough cut, before it goes on to the Timeline. Instead of just dumping it on and trying to edit it, it's very common, especially with larger jobs, is to do some kind of rough cut editing in the Source Monitor.
What does that mean? It means that you can play it in here, or scrub along in it, and just figure out what it is. I like that it kind of disappears down here, but I don't need the whole 13 seconds of it. So what I'm going to do is pick it, just a little chunk, do a little rough edit before I add it. To do it get it to where you want it to start, and then hit this little button here, it says Mark In. I add the sound effect. There's a little gray bar that appears.
At the moment if I drag this in it's going to drag in, from everything, from this all the way to the end, but I want, maybe when it starts disappearing down here I'm going to transition into the next shot. Good work, videographer; and there's a Mark Out. Now I want to drag it in, and I can drag-- It doesn't work for audio, but video I can just drag the center of this, just put it down here, and you'll run into your first problem with using that method, of rough cutting, using the Source Monitor, as everything overlaps. Can you see it down here, zooming in with the + button, it's kind of cut my music off.
Music only starts here now, so what I'm going to do is undo, and before I drag it in, the audio, or at least this background music, really needs to be on the layer underneath. I can just click it, hold it, and drag it. So it starts on the second layer, now when I drag this in, here it goes, you notice you can drag it on to different layers. Just deciding which layer it goes on. In this case I want it to go on V1 and A1. It expands out from there, it's an interesting little setup. So I'm going to hit 'Spacebar'. You'll notice, it's only brought in that little chunk here. So we are doing kind of rough cut edits.
Rough cut is, I find it really hard to do a rough cut. I do it, but I have to force myself, because basically what you want to do is open up the next one, go through. What do you want? Oh, the change of focus, look at that. So I like it there, so my end point, go along. Get my out point, they did it a couple of times, can you see? They changed it to decide which one you want. When you're ready for it chuck it in. Already conscious that chuck it in is probably a very Kiwi way of saying it, but you get what I mean, just throw it in, and keep doing that, run through it really quickly, and just do real big rough cuts. Don't go in and think, "Oh, how's the transition going to work?", or "I'm going to work on this audio." It's better just to dump it on to the Timeline, get a feel for it, get a feel how long it's going to be, because you might be spending ages getting this to work, and then realize, "Man, this is epically long, or way too quick." So it's really just to do a real rough cut.
You can see how useful it is to use the Source Monitor, that we were scared of before. I was; double click this one. You might decide, I don't want, fancy shoes, I'm aware of, but I don't want that in my shot. I want this though, you know, and like, you do the same thing over here, it's at half, you put it full or a quarter, if you are finding it hard to scrub along, because your machine's not really coping. It's a little hard for me now because I just want to pick a rough bit, but I want to actually look at it. So I'll get the editor to speed this up while I have a little listen and a look.
All right, I'm back. So basically I'm just scrubbing through, and I'm just trying to do what I want to do in terms of an editor. I didn't want, there's a lot of like, they have a lot of fun in this, and I want people smiling and having fun, but I don't want-- there's a lot of like, let's not jinx it. I don't want that appearing in the video, just as my editorial choice. So I like this little bit. And what you would have noticed, you wouldn't have, because it was zooming along, as I didn't click these buttons, because they are a pain, you've got your in and your out point. Can you see, if I hover above it, it says I in brackets, and O. So if you look at that on your keyboard, I and O sets the in and out points. So if I go along here and I hit 'O', can you watch this? This is my out point, it's just the difference, instead of clicking that button.
All right, so I want to add it to it, there we go. And that is my first little rough cut. Now of course if this is a wedding, I'd go and rough cut all of these. I'm going to leave some of this for you for practice. One thing I want to show you before we move on is, that-- mine is out-- I want to add another chunk there, so I'm going to pick, I kind of half looked at this before. This person looks like having a good time. Cardboard body, anyway. So she's laughing at the beginning, see my end point, and I'm going to get to here. Laughing, having a fun time at the wedding. I've got this little chunk. Now we've been adding the audio but it's really loud, listen. I don't want to interrupt the music, I want it to be quiet. And there was a person talking in the background of this.
So what you can do is a nice neat trick of using the Source Monitor, is you can actually just draw-- If you drag the middle it drags both the audio and the video, but if I just want to drag one or the other, I can drag this part, so you drag video only, just drag it down. Then I don't have to go and separate it later on. I'll show you how to do that in a bit, but actually, might as well do it now. I've got a special class on it, I'm cheating. You can right click it here, and you go to 'Unlink', and you can click on this one and delete it.
So either way it's just easier just to obviously drag this. You can do with the audio as well if you just want the audio from a track. In this case I don't want that, but that's the basics of using the Source Monitor, why it's there, and some tips for using it. Set your in and out points before you drag it onto the Timeline, because it can get really busy on this Timeline, especially when you're doing a wedding, when there's lots and lots of clips, and it's just really hard to drag every single one there, and start adjusting them and then dragging them all along. All right, that's our rough cut, let's get on to the next video.