Hi everyone, in this video we're going to get our text - watch it here - to fade in using Opacity Keyframes rather than Cross Dissolve, that we put in the beginning and end, like we did earlier, because we want to animate them separately. I want the shape layer to actually change opacity differently from the text layer. So we're going to use Keyframes, plus we'll get it to fade out at the end, which we haven't done much of that in the class so far. So let's jump right in.
We're going to do the opacity to this first, where my name pops up. What we want to do is we could just use our Effects Panel, and use the Video Transitions, Dissolve, Cross Dissolve, and that works, but there's a problem with it. The first problem is, I can't drag it on properly, the second problem is that it does opacity for both, the box and the text at the exact same time, so I've got very little control. That might work for you in this case, but that's not what I want to do right now.
So what I want to do is, I want the text, because it comes all the way from the bottom, all the way out there, what I want to do is actually physically start the position a lot lower. So I'm going to go to the beginning here, and I'm going to do some adjustments first, before I do my opacity, and what are we going to do? 'Effects Control', click on this, I'm at the beginning. I'm going to find not the shape but the text. You're getting a hang of kind of this Effects Control a little bit, maybe not. Let's find 'Transform', there's 'Position'. So I'm at the right keyframe, so I'm holding 'Shift' to make sure it snaps to it, there it is, and I want to move the actual initial start; wrong one. There it is there.
I want it to kind of start about there, and then move up. I find it's just a nicer effect, kind of just moving up, and you can see the easing a lot better as well, but I want it to be completely transparent here. So there's opacity through all of this, there's opacity there, there's Opacity, Vector Motion, we're on the one specifically for the text, and we're going to start the little keyframe here. I'm going to turn it down to 0, and move it along a chunk, how long? That long, and turn it up to 100. I'm just typing it in, hitting 'Enter' on my keyboard, let's give it a test. It's probably a little bit too fast, so I'm going to zoom out.
Now one thing is that the position takes a while to get up there. So do I want the easing to match it? There's a lot of playing. I probably want all of this to be just a bit tighter, a bit quicker. Here you go. So now it just doesn't appear out of nowhere, well it doesn't appear all the way off the side, it appears out of nowhere. Let's do the same for the Shape Layer. So the Shape Layer's here, I'm going to find this one, get to the beginning. I want the first frame to be completely transparent. So where is he, Opacity 'on', down to '0', and I want it after a couple of frames, to be up at 100, actually I didn't think I-- I didn't have it all the way up to 100, something like 83%, remember we lowered the background, just a tiny bit when we were designing it.
So if I move it up to 100 now, watch, I drag it, it goes completely opaque, I want it to be just a smidgy bit transparent. Just gives everything a little bit more polish as it comes in. Now why aren't I easing this opacity? It's because I can never tell the difference. It actually happens, like, if you can go to this and right click it, and say I want this to ease into this one, but I've done tests, I just can't visually see it, so I don't bother doing it. You can if you like.
Now the last thing I want to do with opacity is the Fade Out, and this is where it can be a little bit weird. So we're going to build another tabletop like we did for the sound. Did we actually do it in this project, remember this tabletop? Down here, for the sound, remember, it came up, and then held for a while, so it raised my volume and then came back down again. We're going to do something similar, less visually, with the opacity, but keep that in mind.
So I'm going to go to here, click on my clip, zoom in a little bit, and what I want to do is-- so it comes up, you can see my keyframes there. Moves along, and there's the end of it. So what I want to do is-- what people tend to do is this, they get to the end, and then, they get-- weird thing, if you get right to the end it disappears, so we're going to go just back 1. If you're thinking, "Why isn't that the one?" you have to go back 1 from the end, just to be able to see it, don't ask me why.
The ends of clips-- ends of everything, you need to go back just one little step. What I want to do is-- people do this, they go, "Okay, opacity down to 0 now, perfect, it's working." So you do this, and you play it, you're like, something weird happens over time, look, slowly disappears. So basically what you've done is, can you see, starts at 0, gets up to 83, then you see, it gets back to 0 between here and here, so it starts 83, 82, 81, 80, just kind of slowly, slowly, slowly going down. So I'm going to undo that keyframe. Whenever you do something like this it's that tabletop again, that needs to be two at the front, and two at the end.
So here, what we want to say is, kind of just before the end here, what I want to do is, enter another keyframe to hold it at 83 from this one, to 83 here. So how do I add a keyframe? You can just drag it up and down, and back down to 83. You can see, you get one auto generated, but remember, earlier I showed you - I'm going to undo that - you can just click on this thing, that's the official way to add a keyframe. So, 0%, 83, and it stays 83 the whole way along, because I've set it to be 83 here as well, so it's kind of agreeing to me. Now down here I say, between this and this last frame, I'm going to set you to 0, a little tabletop. So it kind of goes--
Do you get what I mean by the tabletop, maybe not. It starts at 0, comes up to 83, hovers along and then comes at the end. Let's do the same one with position, where do we go. So with our position-- we're fading it out there, but let's say we do it with the position as well. So my position comes in, comes up, and I want it to hold there for the entire time. Doesn't matter how long, and I'm going to say, between here and here, stay there for this last little bit, and we get you to disappear, maybe move off screen. So that's where I can go like this; which way did it come in? He came in from the side. I'm going to say, move off to the bottom. So he's staying where he should be there, and this last one I'm going to say, you get on there, please.
So he came, position, from the side across, holds for a while, is my little table top, then between here and here, drops off, as it fades out. Probably drops off a little too fast, or too early, right, so let's move this over, just so I can see it. Cool. Let's practice doing it with the text as well. So with it selected le