Hi there, this video we're going to talk about some of the weirdness that goes on, I won't say weirdness, the complexities of the Essential Graphics Panel. It's awesome but it's also, has some things we just need to recap, and a couple other things we need to address. So let's look at this first bit of animation here.
First thing I want to show you is, we've talked about it a few times, is we've got two different motions. We've got motion, motion, motion in all of these. It can be handy-- say I want to move this over and left, but I've got lots of animation going on. So if I try and move the position of this it's going to add a keyframe, you're like, "I just wanted to go up because it's too close to the side." That's where this one comes in handy, this motion. We're not going to actually animate it, we're just going to actually move it, and you'll notice that there's this box, you're like, "Where did that come from?" Because it really wants to be our fixed size, our HD size. Doesn't make any difference. Just be shifting the whole video over to the left, and it addresses that as this whole big square.
So I want to get that distanced nicely. There's a nice way of tidying things up, rather than having to go and individually move keyframes. One of the things that happens as well, is if I scroll in down here or zoom in, I want to extend this, so I'm going to extend it out. What you'll notice is, my animation still all happens back here. So it was there, I extended it out. Why didn't it come out? What you can do is you can click on it, you can open up all of these. Let's find them all, I think I can see them all, here you go there, and I'm going to drag a box around them all, set everything? I think so.
I'm just going to extend it to the end, now that is the end of your animation, which is the last keyframe? This one here. It's going to drag them all out, so they all snap to that end there. So now they should all have a go, and their animation should do it. Now the opposite is also true. If I drag this in, gets a little bit more complicated, if I drag it all in, my keyframes are gone, forever, so before you move it in, you need to go through, select them all. I'm going to go to my full screen, hit my 'Tilde' key, grab all those guys and girls, I'm going to drag it way past, kind of, you know, ridiculously far in, because I can always extend it pretty easily.
Now I can extend this in to where I feel like it should be, timing wise. That's too early. I want to kind of last till about maybe there. Now let's go 'Tilde', grab all these guys again, and just drag them to the edge here. I want that last one kind of just inside. It's nice, some of the weirdness. This next one's more of an animation trick. I'm going to just do it way off the end here, scrub it along with my mouse. I'm going to add a rectangle. So instead of using the Type Tool, that's how we've been starting so far, is I'm going to-- Playhead about there, got nothing selected, I'm going to go to my Essential Graphics, I'm going to be under 'Edit', I can add just a rectangle straight up by itself.
So I want to just do some animation because I want to show you some stuff. So we're going to start it down the bottom here. Let's get it to start off screen, but that never, you never kind of do that, right? You kind of get it to where you want it to be. Let's say I want it right there. Then you go, "All right, now I'm going to start it off screen." So you set your position, we'll do it for the shape, twirl this down to make it look nice, we set our position, and then you're like, "Actually, I'm going to do this off," and then you kind of bring it back.
So what you can do is, before you hit the little timer, is actually-- this is what I do, so I get into position, because you've lined it all up, all the text is all matched up with logos and stuff, and you come forward a little bit, then start it, so that's set in time there, then you come backwards, and then you drag it off. While you're dragging it you can hold down 'Shift', you have to drag-- shift first. Let me check. Testing things as you're watching, yeah, you start dragging it first, then hold 'Shift', and it will lock it in to that kind of like left and right.
You can see, it's not going up and down, so I'm dragging it over here. I was holding 'Shift'. Did that get a bit inception for you? So you kind of made a keyframe out here to say, this is where I want you to end up, then you double back and move it off screen. I find that's a better way, well the way I work. A little interesting thing is, let's say that I want to animate it off, but back to the exact same position, back to exactly where I got it, rather than just dragging it off randomly, I want it to be exactly where that one is. So what you can do is you can copy and paste keyframes. So this one here doesn't need to be copied and pasted, but it can be, copy, paste. So all I did was select it, made it blue. I use my shortcut but you can use a long way, copy and then paste. Paste, and it just copies and pastes that one.
I could do the same for this, grab him, copy him, move him along, and go paste, and it puts it back exactly where that one is. Now this doesn't save you much time, when we're doing this simple position animation, but you could imagine, if you're trying to do stuff, where it's moving all around the screen, and doing all sorts of fancy stuff, or even repeating, I can grab this whole chunk, copy them all, move it along and paste it.
So I've got this kind of like seesaw effect where it goes along, about back in again, about, back in again, it's kind of cool. Then to add the key framing here I'm not going to go through and go-- I'd probably do it for the first one because I copied and pasted it. It would have been good but let's say I haven't done it, right click, 'Interpolation', 'Ease In', and I'm going to ease it out We kind of stick in probably too much on top of it, but it ends up-- they all look pretty nice doing it that way, watch. Aah, nice.
The other thing I want to recap is, that to add text to this, you have to select it and use this little option to add things, add an Ellipse. You can add text, you just have select on it to add to this group. Now if you are finding it difficult because it's just like, "Oh man, there's a shape, and this text, and these three shapes," when you're new, actually forever, doesn't have to be now, I'm just giving you the best way to do it, but you might just find at the beginning, that actually trying to combine all these, and doing animation across them all is just doing hidden.
So what you can do is click off and have the Type Tool, click typing, you can see, it ended up on this other layer here, make sure they're all blue. Now I'm going to do my text and this is going to be, I'm not sure what I'm doing, but I got rid of the text, and what I'm going to do - I'm going to overlap, I'm going to do the same things I was doing earlier in this course, but I want it to be on its own layer because it just makes things easier, at least simpler up in here in our Effects Control, because it is confusing. It's a weird little box that eventually it used to, but if you're a dabbler you're probably never used to it. It's a weird old box, it's useful, and I'm going to do last little thing and then leave. I think I've run out of useful tips.
I'm just going to animate this, but you can skip on if you want to. We'll practice our animation skills, but you can go now if you want. So I'm going to set my scale there, double back to make it small. So it gets bigger; boom. Anchor Point's in the wrong spot. Let's have a go. Needs to be faster. Add some easing to it. Ease In, I'm totally cheating, Ease Out, just add them both. If you are from After Effects, Flash, or Animate, the easing there is a bit more controllable, this one's a little bit simple.
What I'm going to do is actually get it to go bigger than what I wanted to. You can drag it up. It's going to go, boom. Then quickly come back down to maybe 80%, then move it along, and go to 110%. This is probably going to look pretty bad. You can kind of see what I'm doing, it's kind of like, wobble, go back and forth, between. Maybe 90%, and then 100. The timing really needs to be worked on, but let's have a little look at this concoction; boom.
So if you didn't quite grasp that, basically I went from small to bigger than when I needed it. Then I went back past, lower, back down to 80%. I want it to be 100, right, so I say, 0 to 128, down to 80. Back up past where I need it. It's not, you know, bigger than 100, lower than 100. Finally at 100, and I get this kind of like, boom; genius. This is off the cuff teaching at its greatest.
So those are some of the complexities covered for the Essential Graphics Panel. Just so you know, if you are brand new to Premiere Pro, it is way better than the last thing we used to do. We used to have to use this thing called the Title, they've even hidden the title. Was this big extra window that appeared up, and it was pretty horrible, and had some pretty horrible defaults, and everything was hard inside of it. So this is way better, gives you a lot more control, but comes with a little bit of complexity as well.
All right, that's it, let's get into the next video.